How to disaccustom a dog to write at home?

When they consider the question of how to wean a dog to write at home, they mean either a small puppy or an adult with established habits. The approach to the same problem in this case can be completely different, except for the attitude towards the situation that has arisen. Patience and love are priorities for everyone who wishes to have a dog at home.

Our four-legged friends from birth are very intelligent creatures. It is believed that nine months is the threshold when the dog really grows up and gradually ceases to write at home. If you give her enough time, then there are usually no big problems with the toilet .

Important points when accustoming the dog to the toilet

  1. Time .
  2. Here we mean not only the length of time - a period for which you can develop a new habit, but also the clock as such. It is very important to walk the pet at the same time. His body will gradually be rearranged to the right rhythm and will understand that walks are needed not only to run and frolic, but also to go to the toilet. Discipling a baby, you are free from problems with an adult dog. If, nevertheless, the grown up dog began to write at home, and you do not know what to do, try to increase the time of walking . As a rule, a long stay in the open air leads to the desired result.

  3. Situation analysis .
  4. Observing too frequent desires, analyze what could provoke them. Stressful situation, both joyful and sad, usually ends in a puddle. But, if the dog was not alone, and there was no particular reason for joy, it is advisable to take her to a veterinarian for examination. Not infrequently the cause of frequent urination are diseases of the genitourinary system, for example, cystitis.

  5. Place .
  6. Everyone knows that a puppy in a toilet house is given a secluded place to which he is gradually accustomed. For this purpose, it is even worth taking a vacation. Watching the baby who runs around the apartment, catch the moment when he wants to write and take it there. Own smell will attract him to the place where it is borne by the owner. Most often this happens after sleep or after eating. The amount of liquid consumed is important. The first walks in the street must also be accompanied by a choice of places. To an animal to adapt to street conditions, it is better to avoid open areas and choose those where there is vegetation.

  7. Encouragement and punishment .
  8. Trying to wean an adult dog to write at home can be, applying to it, as a puppy, a method of praise and punishment. This is very effective when you caught her at the crime scene. But do not raise your voice too much, because the dog can write with fear in fright. As an encouragement, praise your pet, treat it to your favorite delicacy. Accustoming the dog to the teams, you can use them, giving permission or forbidding you to go to the toilet in the wrong place.

  9. Looking for a companion .
  10. Sometimes there is a tactic when walking your dog, you find her a companion. Watching a friend, she will certainly copy his behavior.

  11. Active games .

Many recommend active games in the air. You can take water with you, which should definitely be offered to the dog, after she ran. Drinking a liquid will certainly provoke the urge to pee.

An integrated approach to the problem will certainly help you solve it. It is possible to help the pet to regulate physiological needs. The main thing is not to leave it unattended, otherwise it will be very difficult to find a common language.