Morse from cranberries - useful properties

Cranberry juice is a wonderful refreshing drink. But it's better not to buy it in a store, but to cook at home from fresh or frozen berries. The benefits of such a morse of cranberries will be much greater. And it can be fully used as a preventive treatment.

What is useful for cranberry fruit?

Useful properties of Morse from cranberries are due to its composition. After all, the main ingredient of the drink is berries, which contain a huge amount of valuable substances:

Cranberry juice helps to optimize digestive processes, and therefore, promotes better absorption of food, including heavy and fatty. It strengthens immunity , eliminates avitaminosis and loss of strength. Among the useful properties of Morse from cranberries should also be attributed to its ability to combat viral infections - it is an excellent tool for the prevention and treatment of ARVI and even influenza. Those who have hormonal disorders, malfunctioning of the cardiovascular system, liver and kidneys, this drink is also shown.

Harm of Morse from cranberries

In addition to the benefits and harm from Morse from cranberries, too. It is not recommended to drink to people with gastritis, stomach ulcers and other similar diseases. It is contraindicated for those who are prone to allergies, because it can cause the appearance of urticaria and even swelling of the larynx. In large quantities, a drink made of cranberries can cause indigestion and intestines. With caution, it should be used in hypotonic patients and people with low blood coagulability.