Green stool in a newborn

Moms always pay attention to the contents of the baby's diaper. And this is correct, because the color, consistency of the stool of a crumb can tell a lot about the state of its digestive system. Normally, the child has a yellow-gold mustard color of stool. But if the mother discovers "greens" in the feces of the baby, she begins to worry if this is normal. And also wants to know why the newborn has a green chair?

The new-born green chair is normal

On the first day after birth, the baby gets rid of the original feces - meconium, which accumulates in the prenatal period and contains swallowed amniotic fluid, villous epithelium, marigold. The feces are thick and have a dark green, almost black color. The next five days, when the newborn has a transitional stool due to feeding with colostrum, immature milk, the color of its feces has a greenish-brown hue.

A week later, when a mature lactation is established in the mother, the baby's feces usually turn yellow-golden in color. But as an option, a yellow-green stool is possible in a newborn, and this does not speak of pathology. "Greenery" in a diaper can arise due to natural oxidation of feces, secretion of bilirubin, and also due to hormones of mother in milk. In addition, the baby's liver and digestive system does not work well, so the necessary enzymes are not always in sufficient quantity.

Even if the newborn has a green stool that is foamy, with small mucous impregnations, but the baby is gaining weight well and feels great, this is also considered normal. This happens when the baby eats "front" liquid milk, and not fat and thick "back".

"Green" in the feces of the baby occurs in the case if the nursing mother is eating a lot of fresh fruits and vegetables. With artificial feeding, a brown-green or dark green stool in a newborn is also the norm.

The green chair of a newborn baby: when it's worth worrying?

In some cases, the contents of the diaper testify to the problem of the digestive system of crumbs. Usually the pathology is indicated by the restless behavior of the baby - he can often cry, pinch his legs with pain, restlessly sleep and behave, gain weight and grow poorly.

Liquid green stool in a newborn with a sharp putrefactive odor is a consequence of the development of dysbiosis - a violation of the microflora of the intestine, which is inhabited by pathogens. This condition occurs in the infant as a result of imperfections in the gastrointestinal tract, intestinal infection, and the intake of antibiotics.

The green stool of a newborn can also indicate lactose deficiency. The fact is that milk contains milk sugar - lactose. In the stomach it is split by a special enzyme lactase, produced by the food glands. deficiency occurs when the body is not able to digest lactose because of a lack of enzyme lactase, since the digestive glands produce little. This also appears when the mother's milk is over-saturated with this sugar for inherited reasons. Here and there are liquid, green feces, accompanied by gas formation.

Therefore, if the mother noticed not only the "green" in the chair of the baby, but also the restless behavior of the crumbs - you should consult the pediatrician. The doctor, most likely, will direct to the children's gastroenterologist, on reception to which it is necessary to grasp a box with a chair of the child - it is necessary to hand over the analysis - koprogrammu.