7 months to the child - rules of a food, a mode and fast development of the kid

After the first half-year of life, children begin to actively explore the surrounding space, learn to move in it in various ways. Babies at 7 months are more independent, sociable and curious. For their physical and psychosocial development, it is necessary to select appropriate games and educational entertainment.

Height and weight of the child in 7 months

These parameters depend on the sex of the baby, genetic characteristics and nutrition. The growth of a child at 7 months is within the following limits:

The correct weight of the child is 7 months, provided that the health condition is normal:

Baby food at 7 months old

To grow up and gain body weight in accordance with age indicators, its menu should be high-grade, to cover the increased energy demands of the body. What to feed a baby in 7 months, depends on the way he is fed. Babies receiving mother's milk, later try "adult" dishes. Children on the adapted mixes receive lure before, therefore their ration is wider.

Baby 7 months on breastfeeding

Mom's milk is still the main "dish", but 1-2 meals have already been replaced with vegetable puree or porridge . The baby's diet at 7 months with breastfeeding is slightly expanded, you can try to introduce products that are considered potential allergens:

The approximate menu of the child at 7 months includes 5 basic meals:

  1. Breakfast - breast milk, about 200 ml.
  2. The second feeding is porridge with butter (155 g), boiled yolk (0.25 pcs., 2-3 times a week), fruit juice or compote. If the crumb does not want to drink even water, it is better to give him a breast, about 50 ml of milk.
  3. Lunch - vegetable puree with vegetable oil (175 g), meat in grated form (up to 30 g), juice, water or compote (70 ml).
  4. Snack - fruit puree or cottage cheese (70 g), 1-2 pcs. children's biscuits, mother's milk - 130 ml.
  5. Meal before bedtime - breastfeeding (200 ml).

Meat and potential allergens are better to enter from the middle of the month, closely monitor the child's reaction to new products. Another variant of complementary feeding is the pedagogical method. He suggests that the baby will try different dishes from the parents' table in microdoses, and wash them with breast milk. Strict restrictions on the composition of the diet in this case, no, but this method is suitable only for healthy children who are not prone to allergies.

7 month baby menu on artificial feeding

The digestive system of infants receiving the adapted mixture is "ripening" for complementary feeding. When the child turns 7 months old, several types of meat, berry, fruit and multi-component puree can be introduced into his diet. Healthy children are well absorbed and sour-milk products, especially ground cottage cheese. The lure of a child in 7 months is included in the menu as follows:

  1. Breakfast - adapted milk formula, about 200 ml.
  2. The second feeding is porridge with oil (155 g), fruit puree (50-65 g), juice, compote or mixture (50-60 ml).
  3. Lunch is a multicomponent vegetable (120-130 g) and meat (50 g) puree, water, compote or fruit juice.
  4. Afternoon snack - children's curd (140 g), cookies or crackers (1-2 pcs.).
  5. Dinner - milk adapted mixture, 200-250 ml.

Child's regime in 7 months

From the described age, the crumb gradually adapts to a 2-hour daytime dream. If the baby is 7 months old, he rests longer at night and rarely wakes up for feeding, allowing mom to regain strength. The mode of each child is unique and corresponds to his personal biological rhythms. Do not force the baby to lay or wake up to invest in any frame, the baby rest as much as his body needs.

How much does the baby sleep in 7 months?

The average duration of a baby's night sleep is from 9 to 11 hours. During this time, he can awaken several times for 30-40 minutes for breast-feeding or a mixture, mainly in the early morning. When the child turns 7 months old, he sleeps less often during the day. This happens 2-3 times, more often with quiet walks in the fresh air in a comfortable stroller. Every day sleep of a baby in 7 months lasts from 40 minutes to 2 hours. Parents need to carefully monitor the mood of the crumbs and its activity. If he is unreasonably naughty and rubs his eyes, it's time to put him to bed.

The child 7 months badly sleeps

Most of the sleep disorders at this age are due to teething. Many children at 7 months already have 2 lower incisors, but periodically suffer from swelling, itching and soreness of the gums, increased fever. This is how the central upper teeth are cut, this is absolutely normal phenomena. To facilitate the condition of the baby can be with the help of special devices that are designed for chewing, and cooling gels.

Other causes of poor sleep:

Baby 7 months - development

Children in the period under review are becoming more curious and sociable. Proper development of the child at 7 months includes the acquisition of many new skills in different areas:

What should a child be able to do in 7 months?

The physical development of crumbs is directed primarily at increasing activity and mobility, and teaching them how to move independently. What can a child in 7 months:

What should a baby be able to do in 7 months in an emotional way:

What can a baby in 7 months in the social field:

How to develop a child in 7 months?

All new knowledge, skills, small children are learned and improved during games. In 7 months, the child is not interested in rattles and similar too simple entertainment. Parents should pick up more exciting games that contribute to the physical and mental development of crumbs.

Lessons with the baby 7 months:

  1. A lot to talk with the child at home and during walks. Repeat the names of objects, animals, people's names, comment on their actions.
  2. Read the baby nurses - "Soroka", "Goat-dereza", "Ladushki", "Riding Bears" and others.
  3. To address to the child with the elementary requests, for example, to give a toy, a small bottle, a cup.
  4. Play in the quest. You do not need to hide a good object, you can simply cover it with a handkerchief and offer the baby to find.
  5. Together to consider bright pictures or children's books with clear pictures. Call the pictured things or animals, ask the crumb to show them a finger.
  6. To develop small motor skills - to play with bags with different fillers, balls with a ribbed surface.
  7. Learn to crawl. You can show the technique on your own example, help the child with his hands, supporting and pushing it.
  8. Improve auditory and visual responses. If you hide the alarm under the napkin and press the bell button, the baby will search for the source of the sound.
  9. To teach simple communicative gestures - to wave a pen, give "five", clap your hands.
  10. Regularly do gymnastics and light massage.

Toys for children in 7 months

Entertainment items kids often find themselves. Many babies are more interested in household things (pans, spoons, combs and others) than special developing devices. For the game with the baby in 7 months will suit:

Gymnastics for babies 7 months

The total duration of physical activities with a child is from 8 to 10 minutes. Necessity of constant performance of massage and passive exercises decreases, because in healthy children in the second half of the year a good muscle tone and normal skin elasticity. If the child does not sit at 7 months, does not hold a head well or there are other problems with the vestibular apparatus, it is necessary to consult a specialist. Such pathologies are dealt with by children's vertebrologists and neuropathologists.

Gymnastics, when 7-8 months old child, includes simple exercises:

  1. Circular motion with straightened hands.
  2. Raising straight legs at an angle of 90 degrees, lowering to the starting position.
  3. Pulling at the arms bent in the elbows to the sitting posture.
  4. Crossing with support for the brush.