Green stool in infants with artificial feeding

Having switched from breastfeeding to artificial or remaining on mixed feeding , the character of the chair in a baby can change a lot. Many mothers look carefully at the contents of the diaper, trying to understand whether the consistency, color and periodicity of the stool are normal. These characteristics depend on the type of nutrition of the child, whether the feeding is introduced and how old the child is. The chair of the child in the first year of life will necessarily change.

Child's chair on artificial feeding

From the fact that the mixture that feeds the baby, is absorbed worse than breast milk, the child's chair is stronger, with a pronounced smell and is similar to the stool of an adult. Doctors say that a child on artificial feeding should be emptied at least once a day, otherwise the stool masses harden and the child becomes more difficult to go to great length.

In infants who are not breast-feeding, in the first year of life a chair is pale yellow or a tan color. However, there is also a green stool in the infant on artificial feeding, which is a harbinger of a dysbiosis or other disease.

Green stool in a baby on artificial feeding

A green-colored chair in infants with artificial feeding may appear during the period of breastfeeding for artificial mixtures. This color is given by the iron contained in the mixtures.

During this period, be sure to follow the behavior and general condition of your child, observe how the baby feels after the introduction of a product. If the condition of the child has not changed, then do not focus on his chair.

Another thing, if you saw that the chair was frothy, putrefactive smell appeared, and sometimes there may be blood pellets, then be sure to contact your child with a doctor. The above signs indicate that the baby develops a dysbacteriosis. Other symptoms of this disease include:

A green stool in a breastfed on mixed feeding can also arise due to lactase deficiency , a transmitted infection or a viral disease.

If any of the signs appear, your baby should immediately consult a doctor and find out why the child has a green chair. The doctor will conduct a full examination of the child and prescribe medication, if necessary. In no case do not self-medicate.