Dummy with breastfeeding

Is this situation familiar to you: the baby cries, expressing his displeasure, and my mother immediately pops him a pacifier? About thirty years ago this was a perfectly normal reaction of a nursing woman to the anxiety of her child, for at that time mothers were ordered to observe a strict regime and not to spoil the child with "excessively frequent" application to the chest. Today the situation has changed: despite the abundance of pacifiers for children in pharmacies, many moms manage to do without them. And pediatricians and counselors for breastfeeding are called a dummy only as an enemy of breastfeeding. Let's see why.

Dummy and HS - where is the danger?

Even before birth, in the belly of my mother, the child learned to suck: he trained on his own fingers and fists. During this period he was warm, comfortable and safe. After birth, the baby feels about the same sensations during breastfeeding. He feels safe with his mother, he continues to receive food from his mother.

If instead of a breast a child is given a rubber soother, the baby willfully or involuntarily has to take this surrogate. This is where the danger lies: a dummy with breastfeeding begins to slowly but surely displace mother - it will comfort and soothe. Mom is given the role of "giver of food" and only. However, the nipple is able to press mother on this front.

We know that the baby must grasp the breast correctly : not only the nipple, but also the greater part of the areola. The dummy is completely unlike the breast, and the child will not be able to work out the "correct grip" on such a simulator. If a dummy is given regularly, then over time the baby develops "wasteland" sucking: it is difficult to grab the chest, he habitually sucks the nipple and can not get enough milk.

It is also difficult for the nursing mother: "empty" sucking provokes the appearance of cracks on the nipples , the amount of milk gradually decreases. The kid does not gain weight in weight, and they begin to feed him from the bottle. Very many babies in this case just give up their breasts.

Do I need a dummy?

GV consultants unanimously respond: nipple and breastfeeding are incompatible. The mother can and should calm the child. But the babies - "artificial" dummy is necessary! In the absence of a mother's breast, it is she who satisfies the sucking reflex.

Of course, my mother should decide whether to give her baby a pacifier. Do not listen to "well-wishers". Your child's main concern is his health and well-being. If you still decided to introduce the baby with a pacifier during breastfeeding, use it without fanaticism.