Vasospasm with breastfeeding

The vasospasm that occurs during breastfeeding occurs when the blood vessels located at the top of the nipple narrow very tightly. As a result, the blood flows from the place, and the nipple itself whitens. With prolonged such narrowing, it can turn blue, purple. With the disappearance of the spasm, the nipple again acquires its former appearance and color.

What are the symptoms of vasospasm in breastfeeding?

This phenomenon can affect both one and both mammary glands at once. The duration of the spasm can range from a few minutes to 1 hour. In this case, the woman herself notes the following changes, which are signs of vasospasm:

What causes vasospasm?

This violation can occur on its own, and be the results of infection, the trauma suffered. Among the main causes of breast vasospasm doctors are called:

How is vasospasm treated during breastfeeding?

Lactating can help herself in that case. To do this, you need to try to restore the blood flow in the upper chest, squeezing gently at the base of the nipple. At the same time, the pain syndrome sharply decreases, the blood flow is restored.

In those cases when the pain is strongly pronounced, after talking with a doctor, you can take an anesthetic drug Ibuprofen. In order to avoid manifestations of vasospasm, it is necessary to avoid hypothermia. After feeding in such cases, it is recommended to put on a warm waistcoat, to abuse the baby for a while. Sometimes helps to apply a warm, heated iron diaper on the nipple of the chest.

If the symptoms of vasospasm in breastfeeding are observed after the described actions, treatment is appointed by the doctor taking into account the severity of the disorder. As a preventive measure, calcium, magnesium, and vitamin B6 can be prescribed . Sometimes, when symptoms occur, doctors recommend applying a 2% nitroglycerin ointment on the nipple, immediately after feeding during the day. It is worth considering that there is a side effect in the form of a headache.