What is the use of a white radish?

We are well acquainted with a round black radish, which has long been used as a remedy for colds, but more and more popular are its other types: green and white. And the latter, as dieticians say, can be used in nutrition even by those who suffer from gastritis. About what is useful for a white radish for the body, and will be discussed.

Chemical composition

Radish is truly a storehouse of useful substances that provide invaluable benefits to the body:

Which radish is more useful - black, white or green?

Fortunately, any of them has a huge benefit, while each has its own original composition and capabilities for any of us. So, the black radish, which has its unique composition, has remarkable healing properties, but not all can eat it: it is contraindicated for those who suffer from gastritis with high acidity , gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer. Less acute is the green radish, which is good in salads, however, and it will not be a frequent guest in the plates of these people. Whether a white radish is useful, let's try to figure it out.

Benefits of white radish

White culture appeared on our table not so long ago: it began to be planted in Japan, where the sweet radish daikon was grown. It differs from green and black:

  1. There are fewer phytoncides in it, giving it an acuity, so its taste is softer and softer.
  2. It contains a larger number of amino acids that stimulate brain function.
  3. In order to understand the usefulness of the white radish daikon , it suffices to say that it is possible to use side dishes in the form of salads, those who have black and green root crops that are capable of causing eructations, heartburn, and exacerbation of gastric diseases; while it is recommended for dietary nutrition.
  4. The low calorie content of the daikon is used in the compilation of diet for weight loss: dishes made with white radish are also used as active fat-burning drugs.

If you need to release the body from fecal debris and cholesterol plaques, you need to eat daikon: here is what is useful for a white radish, which is not only tasty, but also safe for health.