Rash on arms and legs

Rashes on some limited areas of the body in medicine are called rash elements. The most difficult thing is to find out the cause of such pathology, if it affects both upper and lower extremities. A rash on the hands and feet can be a manifestation of dermatological diseases, abnormalities in the functioning of the endocrine system, or a symptom of severe diseases of the internal organs.

The rash on both hands and feet itches

A common factor that causes the appearance of rashes is infectious viral pathologies. These include:

Of course, children suffer from these diseases more often, but cases of incidence among adults also are not uncommon.

Also, a rash and palpable itching on the hands and feet can be caused by the following diseases:

  1. Scabies. Has characteristic grayish-white patterns on the skin (tick movements).
  2. Rubrophytia. Rashes are localized, as a rule, on the feet and hands, have a fungal nature.
  3. Allergic dermatitis. Elements appear on contact with any stimulus.

Treatment of these diseases is carried out after consultation with a dermatologist and obtaining a laboratory analysis of skin scraping.

Small to medium red rash on hands and feet

This type of rash, which does not cause discomfort and is not accompanied by itching, has the following reasons:

  1. Psoriasis. It is characterized by endocrine disorders and various appearance of the formations on the skin - from dots to teardrop or round spots. Usually the rash is located on the joints of the hands and feet, which facilitates the formulation of the correct diagnosis.
  2. Secondary syphilis. Pathology of an infectious origin, has a recurring course. Rashes can disappear for a short while, appearing again with a decrease in immunity.
  3. Erythema of a polymorphous species. The cause of this rash are serious disruptions in the work of internal systems and organs, up to oncological diseases. Education is localized on the feet, hands and face, there are different sizes.
  4. Hemorrhagic endocarditis of infectious origin. The rashes are called Osler's knots, they have a bright red color and a very small diameter. Areas of their location - feet, pads of fingers on the hands and feet, palms. In severe cases, the rash with endocarditis is painful on palpation and during washing.
  5. Disturbances of blood circulation. Rashes are similar to the points set by the red handle, do not rise above the surface of the epidermis. Occur due to ruptured blood vessels.