Growth of Jason Statham

Glory and popularity came to the actor after 30 years, it was then that the public began to be interested in the biography of Jason Statham and such details as growth, weight, features of the militant star diet.

Now, what the height and weight of Jason Statham is known to almost everyone, and his biography, full of happy accidents, is published in the most prestigious glossy and online publications. So what is so interesting to the public the story of his becoming as a movie star, let's find out.

The beginning of the acting career

Strangely enough, but to his success, Jason is indebted to physical training and a fit figure. The fact that the future actor since childhood engaged in professional sports, and at the age of 12 years was listed in the national team for diving. Therefore, when the advertising agents of the brand Tommy Hilfiger began searching for the model for the new sports collection, their eyes, first of all, rushed to the stately professional athletes, among which was Jason. This was the first lucky chance that led the actor to world fame. Already a model, again, by chance, Jason met the director Guy Ritchie, who invited him to star in the lead role in the picture "Cards, money, two barrels." After the film adaptation of this film, the actor became famous. To strengthen his position in the acting field and permanently consolidate the status of a militant star, he was assisted by a second role in the sensational film "The Big Jackpot", where Jason was able to work on the same platform with such "sharks" of show business as Brad Pitt and Benicio del Toro. After this project, Jason's career went swiftly up, he became one of Hollywood's recognizable and highly paid actors, about which not only critics but the whole world began to talk.

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Of course, it should be noted that a significant contribution to the development of Jason as an actor was his appearance: with the growth of 173-175 cm, the weight of this handsome man ranges from 77-83 kg. It is noteworthy that even with such ideal parameters, the actor does not allow himself to relax: he regularly performs a set of exercises specially designed for him, adheres to the diet and routine of the day. Jason practically does not consume carbohydrates, and at all refuses to eat after seven in the evening - these rules are unquestionable for the actor.