The left thoracic gland hurts - the reasons

Such a phenomenon as almost every woman experienced pain in the mammary gland. Due to the fact that often painful feelings are weakly expressed, the girls are not in a hurry to apply for medical advice. That is why many diseases in which chest pain is only one of the symptoms are diagnosed at a late stage. Let's try to understand and name the main reasons why the chest left or right gland can hurt.

Why does the left breast gland?

Quite often, women complain of pain on the left side. The cause of their appearance may be such violations as intercostal neuralgia , mastopathy, fibroadenoma . Consider these diseases in more detail.

When a woman has a sore and tingling left breast, the doctor determines that the cause is intercostal myalgia, which in fact has nothing to do with the gland itself. It should be noted that in such situations pain can be given in the back and in the lower back. Painful sensations have a paroxysmal character and greater intensity, intensify with prolonged walking and deep breathing.

Mastopathy can also be an explanation of why a woman has a left breast gland. A similar disorder manifests itself in the proliferation of glandular tissue, which is accompanied by painful sensations. The pain is usually dull or aching. Despite the fact that at first it can be seen only in the breast, almost all breasts are almost always involved in the pathological process.

In breast fibroadenoma, it often hurts in the left breast gland. With this violation during the ultrasound, a small, encapsulated formation is detected, with clear boundaries. When palpation, you can see that the breast itself becomes denser, and secretions can be seen from the nipples.

Aching pain in the left breast gland can still be caused by the development of an abscess, which is often treated as a complication of mastitis. With this violation there is a build-up of pus in the ducts, which comes out.

In what other cases can there be chest pain?

It is worth noting that sometimes an explanation of why the left breast is hurting may be the beginning of the process of breastfeeding. In this case, it is more physiological in nature, and is a consequence of proliferation of glandular tissue, and an increase in the number of ducts in the mammary gland.