How to part with a married lover?

No woman voluntarily wants to have a relationship with a man who has a wife. Many women know that such relationships will not lead to anything good, only to the pain, resentment and disappointment. That is, this kind of relationship can be called hopeless. Very rarely a man leaves his family, and marries a mistress. But, how to be, if all the same, such a relationship. The woman, at last, has understood, that its favorite will not throw the spouse and it quite arranges a life with both ladies. The notion that such relationships will always be, does not suit a woman, she realizes that she does not see the family as her own ears. And every clever woman gives herself the answer, why it is necessary to part with a married man - the destruction of another's family and the lack of one's own. How to part with a married lover, that's the main question.

How to part with a married lover - advice of a psychologist

  1. Be honest with yourself. The woman continues the relationship with the married, although she knows about the incorrectness of her actions. Can she be proud of this relationship? You need to put yourself in the shoes of another woman: would it be nice to know about the infidelity of a loved one? It is necessary to face the truth. Just a woman is not at all interested in how her actions affect the life of another family.
  2. Disappoint in the "ideal". To understand how to part with your beloved married man, you need to be disappointed. After all, this "ideal" is far from the man whom his wife sees every day. The mistress does not erase his dirty clothes, does not shout for the socks scattered around the apartment, does not argue and does not contradict. When she meets a married man, she sees an ideal man in front of her, but does not know the reality at all.
  3. Do not seek excuses. Many mistresses are convinced that the marriage of a lover was initially doomed. Enough! Not necessary deceive themselves, because if the marriage was in fact doomed, then everything would have been over for a long time. It is necessary to understand that a man just likes to have both a spouse and a mistress .
  4. Another good option, which will tell how to part with a married man, is the support of friends. You just need to call your close friends, arrange a meeting and open your soul to them, tell them about what's bothering you. You need to share with them the decision to part with your loved one. It is necessary to enlist their support. So it will be possible to feel stronger, more resolute and not to doubt your action.