Broad cheekbones

Many women try to emphasize cheekbones and make them more pronounced. So the face becomes more beautiful and feminine. But what if you have very broad cheekbones from nature? Can they be reduced and made elegant without plastic surgery? To do this, you just need to choose the right hair or make a make-up that hides this flaw.

How to hide the wide cheekbones with makeup?

If you dream visually to make wide cheekbones less, get a tonal cream of a darker shade than your skin. Apply it should be a little below the cheekbones, well shading. If you normally use as a basis for make-up, a means with a golden tinge, apply a lighter correction layer on top of it, apply gentle blushes on the forehead, and dark areas on the area under the chin.

Doing makeup for the face with wide cheekbones, be sure to add a little blush to the area under the eyes. Avoid horizontal lines. For example, do not make arrows too long. Brushing eyes, it is better to send them up.

Lipstick should only choose light tones. If you use a contour pencil, apply it in the middle part of the lips, without distinguishing the corners. Also, to visually narrow the face, you can paint the middle of the lower lip with lipstick or shine, a lighter shade than the one you apply in the corners.

What kind of hairstyle does a woman with broad cheekbones?

Do not like to do makeup every day? Then how to hide the wide cheekbones? You just need to choose the right hairstyle. Owners of wide cheekbones should prefer long hair. A hairstyle can consist of many details, but they should be concentrated in the front part of the face.

If women have wide cheekbones and a narrow forehead, you need to choose a haircut:

The shape of the hairstyle is another important factor. It is recommended to make the haircut conical. But about the hair, smoothly combed back, you need to forget. They only draw attention to the wide cheekbones. Not the most inappropriate option - a round-shaped haircut, when the neck of the hair is short-cut, as it visually further expand the face.

One of the best options for owners of very wide cheekbones is a ladder or a classic square, which ends at the chin. But it's better to do such haircuts only with oblique parting.