"Happy" weekdays teachers: 30 desperate entries in school diaries!

Whatever you say, and school years - this is the most fun and carefree time in the life of every person! Well, when did we still have the opportunity to fool around and know for sure that nothing will happen for it? Well, almost nothing ...

But to many teachers our pranks cost hundreds of nervous breakdowns, liters of drunk valerian and desperate entries in the diaries of their students.

In general, hang on, maybe now you'll "meet" something that is painfully familiar ...

1. And now, parents, puzzle - how do you introduce your child to Alexander Sergeyevich!

2. Our eyes start to twitch!

3. And what - a good reason!

4. You might think you never have any premonitions ...

5. That's what it means - a creative approach!

6. A familiar situation ...

7. We are even afraid to imagine this!

8. Because goats in life should be avoided!

9. In this school you can shoot horror movies!

10. We hope it was not winter ...

11. Though in French?

12. And what? Option!

13. What can not you do for the sake of popularity!

14. Not a school, but a zoo of some kind!

15. Yes, because he really is ... nyasha!

16. Yes, just wanted to do a good deed!

17. Well, somehow it happened ...

18. And made this drawing a masterpiece of modern art!

19. A child just does not have enough vitamins!

20. Fell with a laugh, or what?

21. Well, thank God that does not concede!

22. Do parents also respond in poetic form?

23. Because all the boys in the class have already grown up, but he does not!

24. It's all modern movies are to blame!

25. It seemed to him that this was logical!

26. So, take a note!

27. Well, you know what smell sometimes happens!

28. And here we ourselves are hanging?!?

29. But in our time everyone used to play with buttons ...

30. So, it's time for all of us to change!