Harm of masturbation

Many experts believe that masturbation does not carry any harm, moreover - it is useful for health. But this is an erroneous statement. Let's try to explain what masturbation is and what harm it does to a woman.

Masturbation is an artificial stimulation of the human genital organs, the purpose of which is the desire to get sexual pleasure, orgasm.

Harm of female masturbation

In order to imagine the harm of masturbation, you need to have an idea of ​​what masturbation differs from a natural sexual intercourse.

So, after sex, a woman feels satisfied, calming and improving her condition. During coitus, hugs, touches, and the appearance of the partner are important. This is not the case during masturbation. After masturbation comes oppression, depression. Sometimes a person experiences remorse, is ashamed of his viciousness, but can not fix it.

Personality who are accustomed to self-satisfy their sexual needs, often grow up selfish. Starting a sex life, these girls can not experience the true pleasure that nature pawns in sex. They do not think about whether there is harm from masturbation. Perhaps, when they start looking for the reasons for their disappointments in men, they will understand where the source of problems lies.

So, let's move on to a more detailed consideration of what harm from masturbation is experienced by the female body.

  1. Central nervous system. The nervous system binds all human organs together. The mental capabilities of a person are related to the nervous system, and the sensations and actions of a person depend on this. Impressions that she receives from the outside world, the brain records through the nervous system. And this shows how much damage masturbation brings, damaging the nervous system of the onanist. In most cases, sexual neurasthenia occurs. This is a form of nervous weakness, which is manifested by a violation of sexual relations. This is caused by a violation of the sexual properties. The harm of frequent masturbation can manifest itself as one of three types of neurasthenia: local neurosis, lumbar and an increase in the symptoms of neurasthenia (can cause sexual anomalies). Neurasthenia has a negative effect on the human brain, causing frequent headaches.
  2. Organs of external senses. Harm of masturbation for women has its influence on the state of the eyes, on the sense of smell, on the speech of a person.
  3. So outwardly the eyes of the onanist do not differ from the eyes of other people, but their eyes are somewhat afraid of light, which makes dizziness appear. Onanists always feel that they are in a bright light. Women and old maidens are more likely than men-onanists to be rapidly upset with eye functions. This manifests itself in the form of a dry catarrh of the shell that connects the eyes. As soon as the onanists give up their "hobby", the state of the eyes is restored.
  4. If a person has frequent middle ear disease, then with masturbating people they go through with complications.
  5. Mind and mind. Frequent masturbation has a negative effect on a person's mental abilities. The spiritual emotions of a woman are affected by cerebral neurasthenia. During the peak of self-satisfaction, blood circulation is accelerated, the body is warmed, and because of the blood that flows to the head, the onanist loses his mind a little. As a result of this, the nervous system is shaken, which drains the human brain.

So, as you can see, masturbation does not do any good for the female body. There are many ways to relax, including sexual satisfaction with your loved one.