
It happens that we find it difficult to remember the name of the actor or the name of the medicine, these cases are perfectly normal and do not cause anybody to worry. Another thing, if we are talking about permanent forgetfulness, many consider it to be symptoms of serious diseases, such as Alzheimer's disease, dementia, brain tumors and atherosclerosis. But this is not always the case, the reasons for forgetfulness can be various changes in the body, also temporary deterioration of memory can be completely normal phenomenon. For example, when we are absorbed in the thoughts of one subject (event) for other places no longer exists, so it's quite easy for us during the work-time to forget how much sugar should be put in tea for the husband and, when the last time the cat was fed. So instead of panicking, what to do with forgetfulness, you need to try to find out why this is happening to you.

Causes of forgetfulness

To understand how to get rid of your forgetfulness, you need to understand its causes, which can be quite prosaic. In addition to the aforementioned diseases, as well as old age, memory impairment can be caused by the following factors:

Naturally, to accurately determine the reason why you began to have problems with memory, you need to contact a specialist. Just do not expect that he will prescribe a cure for forgetfulness. To drink tablets to you can offer, only if the reason of forgetfulness is serious. And in most cases, there will be enough rest and reception of vitamin complexes, in addition, nobody prevents you from training your memory.

Forgetfulness - what to do?

As already mentioned above, it is possible to fight with forgetfulness, if it is not caused by serious diseases, independently. To do this, you need to perform various exercises to train memory. You can take the guesswork of scanwords or crossword puzzles, if you have problems with the restoration of some notions or names in memory.

If you constantly forget where this or that object was put, this kind of training will help. Choose 6-10 different items, write down their names on a sheet, and then lay out on different corners of the apartment. Now take the list and look for the thing behind the thing. It is important not to frantically search the apartment, and try to remember, mentally recreating the image of the object, where you put it.

Not bad helps and reading, but not thoughtless. You need to read the text, trying to remember his main idea, some theses, quotations. Repeat what you read to yourself, or make a retelling for someone.

There are many ways of developing memory: the development of associative thinking, the method of oral calculation, memorizing phone numbers of the husband and girlfriends - choose your own, and memory will not fail you any more.