Psychology of color in clothes

For a long time, psychologists have paid attention to the amazing properties of color. The addiction to this or that shade not only tells a lot about a person, but also can influence it! It is believed that a person intuitively chooses for himself such colors that harmonize it. At the moment, the psychology of color in clothes is no longer considered something of the category of mysticism - all ties have long been established and proven.

The psychology of colors in clothes gives definitions not only for the passion for colors, but for the dislike of them. If a color always prevails in a person's clothing, then this shade characterizes his general condition. If we are talking about the preferences of a particular day, then this choice will speak about the current state of man.

White color in clothes

White is a synthesis of all colors, for which it is called the "ideal" color. People who choose this color, are drawn to the purity of the physical and spiritual. In general, this color is universal and usually can not repel anyone.

Black color in clothes: psychology

Previously, it was believed that black characterizes first and foremost people who are insecure, who tend to perceive life only in the darkest colors. Recent research suggests that black color often indicates isolation and self-focus. However, if a person always walks in black, this indicates aggression to the world or to himself.

Gray color in clothes

This color is chosen first of all by sensible and distrustful people who tend to think about solutions. In addition, gray color is used as a barrier that closes the inner world from others. This color is loved by those who aspire to merge with the crowd, afraid to stand out. Usually people who sharply reject gray color, are owners of an impulsive, quick-tempered character.

Red color in clothes: psychology

This color is chosen by passionate, quick-tempered natures, who like to communicate. People who are irritated by red tend to suffer from complexes, are prone to solitude and stability. It is this color that symbolizes eroticism. Dislike for red color indicates weakness, mental or physical exhaustion.

Brown in clothing: psychology

This shade is loved by those who are firmly on their feet, appreciate the family and traditions. A man who often appears in brown clothes, strives for simple joys and himself is pretty simple. However, brown at the same time can talk about the exhaustion of physical or emotional forces.

Yellow color in clothes

This color speaks of tranquility, ease of communication and intelligence. People who love him are very sociable, brave, and usually like people. If this color is completely rejected, then it speaks of pessimism, difficulties in communication, lack of energy.

Blue color in clothes

This color symbolizes peace and relaxation. He likes modest, melancholy people who quickly become tired and need a sense of confidence. People who completely reject this color are usually too eager to impress the powerful man, although in reality they are very closed and unsure of themselves. People who choose blue, declare their need for peace, and who avoid - let them relax.

Green color in clothes

This is a natural, balancing color, and people who choose it, are afraid of someone else's influence and are looking for a way of self-affirmation, self-confident. People who reject green color are afraid of difficulties. At the same time, green people do not like those who are on the verge of exhaustion.

Less frequent colors of research are carried out. Orange color characterizes passionate dreamers, pink - the need for kindness, and purple gives infantility and suggestibility. If your preferences change - it speaks about changes in your condition.