What are the dreams of erotic dreams?

Did you have a frank dream about which you are ashamed to remember? Dr. Sigmund Freud would gladly listen to your story and tell you about your personality a lot of interesting things. However, in the absence of such an opportunity, one can learn the opinion of what erotic dreams are dreamed of in modern psychologists and psychoanalysts.

What do erotic dreams mean?

If you suddenly had an erotic dream, this does not mean that you are not in the right state, are not satisfied, or have some problems. After all, a dream is just a reflection of some images and thoughts that have visited you for a day. However, if you see such dreams regularly, it can mean that you are experiencing some discontent with this area in real life. If dreams of this content you see very rarely, this is no reason to worry.

In dreams, people often see things that they would never have solved in real life: sex with several partners, some perversions, or yourself in an unusually slutty image.

Erotic dreams of girls rarely lead to a real orgasm. Usually ladies are only very excited from what they saw and the next morning they are ready to tear their partner in a fit of passion. But erotic dreams of men often end with a real ejaculation - but this is normal for the male body, and there is nothing to fear in this case.

If erotic dreams make you terrified - you see in them violence, incest, perversions - you should turn to a psychoanalyst who for a couple of sessions can easily determine why you dream of erotic dreams with such content. Do not be afraid of going to a specialist - perhaps this is a manifestation of some kind of childhood trauma that makes itself felt.

How to see an erotic dream?

In most cases, the only thing that means erotic dreams, is that during the day you caught an eye of an image that your subconscious mind perceived as sexual, or you thought about sex.

Thus, it is possible to attract an erotic dream with a high degree of probability, if you look at a sensual film about love, recall the various images that are somehow veiled for you with an intimate sphere. For example, you can browse the online store catalog for adults or erotic lingerie.

However, if your body resists it, no measures will help. Just do not get hung up on it - in that case you will have a better chance of success. It is proved that in women erotic dreams are more frequent than in men - in the stronger sex with age, they are less and less.