Diet "Minus 60"

The book "Diet minus 60" by Ekaterina Mirimanova became popular in a short period of time. This is a very unusual diet, it does not have special restrictions on time, for example, the author of the book, followed the diet for one and a half years, and as a result, lost weight by as much as 60 kilograms. Catherine after gaining weight, and before losing weight weighed almost 120 kilograms. But the willpower and motivation to lose weight primarily for yourself, have borne fruit. Now it weighs 60 kilograms, and 60 more are in the past. Ekaterina Mirimanova also believes that this "minus 60" food system can be used both irregularly and at all to become a lifestyle. It all depends on your desire to lose weight!

The "Minus 60" diet is a set of special techniques, including the diet itself, physical and psychological exercises. Applying all the recommendations of the author of the book "Diet minus 60", you can achieve tangible results in losing weight, and look at the world of food with different eyes.

The recipe for the "Minus 60" diet

Basic principles of the diet:

  1. Until 12 noon you can eat all the foods you want. Do not limit yourself to the number of servings or calories. There is a feeling of satiety.
  2. You can also drink as much as your body requires.
  3. Salt can be consumed without restrictions, but remember that too salty food provokes swelling.
  4. Sugar and sugar-containing products (for example, honey, etc.) can be consumed only up to 12 hours.
  5. It is necessary to have breakfast, to start the metabolic processes in the body in time.
  6. To cleanse the body and arrange unloading days is forbidden, this can reduce the effect of the diet.
  7. There are during the diet "minus 60" no more than three times a day. You can eat a small bite of fruit or vegetables between meals, but only those that are offered in> the menu of the "Minus 60" diet.
  8. During a diet, you can take a multivitamin, this will only be a plus.
  9. Diets can be adhered to by pregnant and nursing mothers. But it is better to consult a physician in advance.

The menu of the "Minus 60" diet

Now go directly to the food.

We found out that you can eat everything for breakfast, but only up to 12 o'clock in the afternoon. Stewed or cooked foods for lunch. You can have soup cooked on water and with potatoes, peas and other, or cooked on broth, but without potatoes. Sour cream and mayonnaise in the amount of one teaspoon can only be up to 14 hours. You can also eat any sour-milk products.

Table of allowed products for lunch

Fruit Vegetables Meat fish Cereals Beverages
Apples, oranges, kiwi, watermelon, pineapple Potatoes, corn, peas, beans, mushrooms Boiled sausage, sausages, fish, seafood, boiled eggs, jelly Rice, buckwheat, pasta, rice noodles Tea, coffee, fresh juices, dairy products, red dry wine

The products must be cooked or stewed. You can not fry. You can shish kebab, but not fatty and in limited quantities. Corn, peas, mushrooms only fresh or frozen, canned can not be eaten. Fruits, as well as all foods need to eat moderately.

Dinner should be no later than 18 hours. For dinner, all products must be stewed on water or cooked. For best effect, you can cook on steam in a double boiler.

During cooking, you can use salt and seasonings. Sugar is prohibited.

Table of allowed products for dinner

Fruit Vegetables Meat fish Cereals Dairy Beverages
Apples, oranges, kiwi, watermelon, pineapple Any vegetables, except those allowed for lunch Boiled sausage, sausages, fish, seafood, boiled eggs Rice, buckwheat Cottage cheese, yoghurt, hard cheese Tea, coffee, fresh juices, dairy products, red dry wine

Fruits and vegetables eat moderately, can be combined with sour-milk products. Cereals, in turn, can be combined with vegetables and fruits. Meat and fish are not combined with any other kind of food. Dairy products are only of minimal fat content.

The diet or system "Minus 60" Mirimanova is an effective way to lose weight. Apply diet in combination with physical exercises for maximum effect.