Care for cherries in spring

If you want to get a good harvest of cherry berries and see the tree healthy, strong and beautiful, then you need to take good care of the cherry. In particular, it is necessary to pay attention to spring cherry care, which is very important. That's why every gardener should know the rules of cherry care in the spring. Let's look at all these simple, but important rules in detail, and learn how to care for the cherry in the spring.

Care for cherries in spring

In the spring it is necessary to produce several so-called operations that will ensure your cherry health, proper development and abundant harvest. Of course, the fruit tree requires care all year round, but spring is the most important time and it is in the spring that horticulturists have to sweat most. Let's analyze all aspects of spring care for cherries separately for greater visibility.

  1. Pruning of cherries in spring. It is very important to know how to properly cut a cherry in the spring, as, as is known, pruning plays a significant role in the development of a tree, it is worth cutting it off incorrectly and the crop may not exist at all. Cut all the dried branches, as well as those branches that damaged pests or diseases. In addition, many gardeners are also pruning branches that grow too high, forming the crown of the tree so that it is convenient to harvest. It is also necessary to remove not only the dried branches, but the old bark, which also dries up. Sometimes it falls off itself, but still often a tree needs to be helped to get rid of it.
  2. Whitewash in the spring. Continuing the theme of caring for a tree, you need to mention the whitewash besides the trimming. The trunk of the cherry must necessarily be whitened, as well as to engage in wounds on the tree (the wounds and sections must be treated with a solution of copper sulfate, and paint over with top). This will protect the trunk of the tree from parasites, and besides, the neatly whitened and well-groomed tree is the ornament of the garden and the pride of the gardener himself.
  3. Cleaning around the tree in the spring. It is also necessary to remove dry grass and other debris around the tree, and then slightly dig up the soil (this should be done carefully, since the roots of the cherry are not so deep). The digging of the soil will give the tree more air, which also has a beneficial effect on its development. Although some gardeners recommend digging the soil in the autumn time, so that all parasites perish during the winter.
  4. Adding cherries in the spring. No less burning question - how to feed cherries in the spring? Spring top dressing is extremely important, since in the spring it is necessary to help the tree, to add strength to it so that it fructifies well. The first time to feed the tree is necessary during the period of discolouration. The best fertilizing is manure mixed with ash (manure bucket and kilogram of ash) and diluted in about six buckets of water. The second feeding can be done two weeks after the first in a similar way. It is also not bad to feed the tree with nitrogenous fertilizers in the very beginning of spring.
  5. Fighting pests in the spring. And the last question, which is still open - than sprinkle cherries in the spring? It is during the spring that all pests become active after the winter, therefore you need to carefully monitor the tree, since in the spring it can easily pick up any disease or pests. Most often, the cherry suffers from moniliosis and coccomicosis. In addition, there are also pests, which also do not give a gardener peace. To get rid of these problems, it is necessary to spray. For sprinkling cherries, azophos and Bordeaux mixture are best. These two drugs can be alternated - the first time (when buds are budding) the tree can be sprinkled with azofos, and two weeks later the tree needs to be sprayed again and this time you can use the Bordeaux mixture. Also, the azosof will need to spray the tree in a week, especially if the weather is wet. A complex spray, which protects against pests, is carried out immediately before flowering.