Mushroom soup with champignons - recipe

Mushroom soups, due to the content of vegetable protein in them, saturate our body for a long time. Such a hot dish is easy to digest by the stomach and is suitable for everyone who is dieting or fasting. We offer you several recipes for cooking vegetable soups with champignons.

The recipe for soup with noodles and champignons



So, all the vegetables are cleaned beforehand and thoroughly washed. Then cut the potatoes into cubes, shred the carrots in circles, and chop the onion into half rings. Champignons are processed, washed and cut with a knife into pieces. Now put onions and carrots in a saucepan with preheated vegetable oil and a little passer until soft. Then we pour in water, throw potatoes and mushrooms. Season the soup with salt, heat until boiling and cook for about 15 minutes. After that, add the noodles and put the spices. We cook until the dishes are ready, and then, fill the soup with crushed fresh herbs, and remove from the plate.

Recipe for soup with fresh mushrooms



We cut the fresh and processed mushrooms first in half, then shred the plates and dip them into a deep pan. A little podsalivaem, pour water and cook for 30 minutes under the lid. While the mushrooms are cooked, finely chop the onion and wess it on vegetable oil until golden brown. Peeled potatoes cut into large cubes and throw it into the pan along with the rice. When the vegetables are completely ready, add the roast and chopped parsley. Solim soup to taste, cover with a lid and cook for about 5 minutes, then pour on plates and put on the table.

Recipe for cream soup from champignons



The recipe for chicken soup with champignons is very simple. Mushrooms and onions are processed, well washed and cut into cubes. Fry vegetables on vegetable oil 15-20 minutes until soft, adding a small pinch of salt and ground black pepper. Then transfer the roast to a blender, add a little chicken broth , and grind everything to a creamy state. Then melt in a saucepan of butter and fry the flour in it, constantly stirring. After that, add crushed mushrooms, pour the remaining broth and bring the soup to a boil. Cook it for 5-7 minutes, pour in the cream, boil again and remove from heat. Ready dish is poured on plates and served on a table with croutons or breadcrumbs.

Recipe for cheese soup with champignons



The recipe for cheese soup - mashed potatoes from mushrooms is very like not only all adults, but also children. Potatoes are cleaned, cut into small pieces. Fused cheeses crushed, put into a saucepan and poured completely with water. We put the dishes on a slow fire and heat until the cheese dissolves completely. Then add the potatoes and cook it until cooked, periodically, stirring.

Next, remove the soup from the fire and cool it. Onions and mushrooms are cleaned, finely chopped and browned until golden in warmed vegetable oil. The ready roast is cooled, transferred to a pan and whisked all blender until smooth. Now we add the dish to taste, put it on the fire, bring it to the boil and immediately pour it on the plates.