Palmistry: the importance of lines on the hand

Palmistry is a science that can tell what the lines on the hand mean. Also, when drawing up a "card of life" in chiromancy, the signs on the hand, hills, the shape of the fingers, nails and palms are taken into account. Therefore, to make a detailed forecast, only once glancing at the hand, will not work. The common opinion that palmistry talks about the meaning of the lines on the hand, the expert will look both your hands, paying attention to her back side, and palms is also erroneous. On the hands of different types, similar lines can have different meanings. So, if you decide to study this science, be prepared for the fact that it will not prove to be easier than organic chemistry or nuclear physics.

When did palmistry appear?

It is not known for sure when people began to practice palmistry, but evidence of the study of the meaning of the lines on the hand is found in the Indian Vedic texts, which are much older than the Egyptian pyramids. On palmistry, Aristotle often mentioned and often mentioned in his treatises.

Many times science has undergone periods of decline and the rise of interest. The last period of demand for the services of chiromantics occurred in 1846-1945. It was during this period that a huge number of books and manuals on palmistry were produced, and many people (both specialists and charlatans) were taken to interpret the meaning of the lines on their hands. Today, interest in science is gradually increasing, but so far it can not be called comprehensive.

Palmistry: Science or not?

Many people tend to regard palmistry as mere delusion of an inflamed mind. And this opinion is more strengthened due to the fact that palmistry is referred to the field of occult sciences, and the very name of the discipline for the Russian-speaking person does not seem credible. But if we reject prejudice, it becomes clear that palmistry can and should be called science. After all, by and large, all the information gathered by specialists in this field can be considered a statistical study, which has no analogues in scale. We somehow believe that blondes are more frivolous than brunettes, we nod their heads when they tell us that early spring heralds a cold summer, but the fact that a person who has a certain combination of lines and marks on his palms is inclined to violence for some reason can not. Someone will say that comparison with statistics is too bold, since palmistry does not keep track of the number of people whose marks on the hand reflected the true state of affairs, there are no percentages, indices and weights. Yes, it is true, in the modern literature there is no such information, only the results of private studies are available, but if we assume that the origins of palmistry are in India, then it is impossible to deny the existence of such information in ancient books guarded by the clergy caste.

How accurate are the predictions of palmists?

Palmistry does not give 100% guarantee that an event will necessarily occur in a person's life. The past can be told in some detail, but the future is not static, it is constantly changing and depends on every act of man. Yes, there are rotary points that have to go through anyway, but the rest does not change in our power. Therefore, palmistry speaks only of the predisposition to this or that line of behavior, the probability of an event, no more. In addition, one can not exclude inaccuracies in the interpretation of signs.

In the books on palmistry, you can find a lot of examples about the funny cases of the fulfillment of the prediction, not in the manner that the palmist or his client meant. One of the most revealing is the prediction made to the king of Macedonia, Philip, about his death from the chariot. The frightened king, having received this news, ordered to destroy all the chariots, but still perished. During the theatrical performance, Philip was slaughtered with a sword, on the hilt of which was carved a chariot.