Head massage

Head massage is an effective way to prevent headache and accelerate hair growth, especially if the procedure is performed systematically. It is especially useful for people with vegetative-vascular dystonia, because it improves blood circulation and thereby stabilizes the pressure, relieving spasms and any other manifestation of stress: for example, neuralgia. Let's see how to do different types of head massage.

Head massage with salt for hair growth

This scalp massage is performed by many girls to grow and strengthen hair. But not all of them know that this wonderful method can not only strengthen the hair, but also improve blood circulation, which affects the vessels of the head and thereby prevents the appearance of stagnant conditions, improves cognitive abilities (blood flows to the head, and oxygen does better).

You do not need to do this massage every day: just once every 10-14 days. After 10 sessions, the result will be obvious: the hair will become stronger and stop falling out, and the feeling of "haze" in the head will appear much less often.

Equipment. You need to wet your hair and scalp. Cooked rock salt diluted with warm water and mixed until a mushy condition. Then apply the mixture on the scalp and gently massage. Salt can pinch a little, but this is not a reason to stop the procedure, only if a burning sensation appears, it is necessary to wash it off. After 5-10 minutes, massage ends with washing your head.

Indian Head Massage

This is an ancient relaxing head massage based on the Ayurvedic system. The benefit of Indian head massage is mainly to get rid of stress, anxiety, fatigue, insomnia and migraines. After it, you may temporarily experience dizziness or increased urination, which is associated with an acceleration of metabolism and blood flow.

Technique of head massage. At first the client occupies a sitting position. Then the masseur begins to massage the shoulders and neck in order to relax the muscles and allow the blood to circulate normally. This stage lasts no longer than 7 minutes, after which the head massage starts immediately, at which the palms of the masseuse first glide from the back of the head and ears up to the crown, and then also downwards. After that, the master makes soft circular motions with the index, middle and ring fingers of both hands.

The final part of the head massage is the activation of bioactive points. After that, the masseur moves to the massaging of temples in circular motions, which helps to reduce eye fatigue and headache.

Head massage with headache

Point head massage is most effective for relieving headaches. Its essence is to activate points in the head area that will help relieve spasms of blood vessels.

Equipment. It begins with light strokes along the line of lymph flow: from below upwards from the ear shells and the occiput. Then you need to massage the special points that are located above the eyebrows, in the center of the forehead (next to the hair line), in the region of the crown (3 cm from it towards the occiput), and on the neck, to the right and left of the hair growth line.

Points are activated in a circular motion with three fingers: the index finger, the middle finger, and the ring finger.

Head massage

This scalp massage is not only possible, but also needs to be done every day. The comb for this should have on the teeth soft tips that will not damage the scalp. It is better to carry out this procedure in the evening, before going to bed, and in the morning.

Equipment. From the forehead to the back of the neck, you must slowly draw a comb, first along a straight line, then go to the semi-circular movements. After that, hold several times a massage comb from the ears to the crown and the back of the head. Then you need to tilt the head slightly forward and hold a comb from the back of the head to the top of the head.

If you carry out such a massage every day, it will help maintain the vessels of the head in a tone, and because of the flow of blood to the head, the hair roots will receive more nutrients, which will make them much stronger and more beautiful.