Body scrub at home

Body scrub is a remedy that must necessarily be present in the arsenal of skin care products for any woman who wants to look good and stay young for a long time. To have a smooth, even and elastic skin, not enough water procedures and the use of cream, you should use a scrub once a week.

The use of this remedy helps to get rid of a layer of keratinized cells that make skin respiration difficult and give the skin an unhealthy color. In addition, there is a deep cleansing of pores from contaminants, surpluses of sebum and sweat, microcirculation of tissues improves, metabolic processes are normalized. Regular application of the scrub makes it possible to activate the production of elastin and collagen by the skin, so that the effect of lifting, smoothness and elasticity of the skin is achieved. In addition, the scrub helps in the fight against cellulite.

Recipes for body scrub at home

It is not at all important to use store facilities, if desired, an effective cleansing body scrub can be prepared at home. The advantage of such products is not only cheapness, but also a completely natural composition, which is especially important for those with sensitive skin. So, here are some of the best recipes for body scrubs in the home.

Sugar body scrub at home

To make such a scrub you will need sugar and any fat vegetable oil. It is best to use olive oil, jojoba oil, almond oil, wheat germ oil or grape seeds. For one procedure, you need to carefully mix a teaspoon of sugar with the same amount of oil. You can also add a couple drops of essential oil of rosemary , mandarin or geranium, which will increase the elasticity of the skin, improve lymph and blood flow, strengthen the walls of blood vessels. This type of scrub is especially recommended for mature skin, but can be used at any age.

Saline scrub for body at home

With the help of salt scrub, you can not only cleanse the skin, but also smooth undesirable bumps on the body with cellulite. In addition, due to the properties of salt, slags and toxins are removed from the skin, as well as excess fluids. Especially recommended is a scrub with oily skin of the body. It is best to use sea salt, which is rich in mineral composition, but also ordinary cookery, always available at hand. If the salt is too large, you must first grind it. As in the case of sugar scrub, you should simply mix salt and fat vegetable oil in the same proportions. You can also add your favorite essential oil, and for owners of dry skin, it is recommended to add a little crushed oatmeal to the composition, which will moisturize and soften the skin.

Honey body scrub at home

A honey-based scrub is one of the best tools for dry skin, and also with stretch marks and an "orange peel". But such a scrub will be useful absolutely for everyone (if there is no allergy to honey), because honey perfectly nourishes and moisturizes the skin, makes it silky. There are many options for honey home scrubs. We propose one of the most effective - a honey scrub with coffee grounds. In addition to the above effects, the product tones well and refreshes the skin, gives a charge of vivacity to the whole body. Preparing such a scrub, you should combine in equal amounts of thick honey and coffee grounds. And in order to get a whitening scrub at home, you need to add the same amount of fresh lemon juice or low-fat cottage cheese to honey and ground coffee.