Calf's legs ache - reasons

Why can there be a feeling of discomfort in the joints, it is understandable to many. But the reasons why the calves of the legs hurt and cramps appear are not always obvious, since this can be completely unrelated to the malfunctions in them. But the origins of the problem must be determined in order to know how to get rid of it and prevent its recurrence.

The reasons why the legs hurt in calves can be divided into several groups, depending on their nature.

Incorrect way of life and mode of work

Very often, having run into the whole day, at night a person feels that the calves of the legs are sore, and convulsions may even begin. This can happen again as a result of lack of movement: with sedentary work or a long standing stance, as well as obesity resulting from this lifestyle.

It is also worth noting that a sharp misalignment can provoke a microtrauma, which will cause the legs to hurt during walking. Therefore, it is always recommended after a long period of immobility or with the appearance of "rigor" of the lower extremities, to start moving gently and smoothly.

Diseases of the nervous system

Since the nerve endings are located throughout the body, the problem in their activity affects the calf muscles. Pain in this place can appear when:

Diseases of the circulatory system

If your legs become heavier, and you get dull pain in the area of ​​the calf, this is most likely a problem with the vessels. This can be caused by the following diseases:

Diseases of the musculoskeletal system

It seems that the calves with the spine are far apart, and therefore the diseases of one should not be related to another. But this is not so, therefore calves legs hurt also because of:

In addition to these problems, the cause of pain in calves is inflammation of skeletal muscles, which is scientifically called myositis . This disease can develop as a result of:

Myositis differs nojushchej a pain which amplifies at the most insignificant movement, and also presence of dense knots and strings in the gastrocnemius muscle.

It happens that the calf hurts only on the right leg, and on the left - no, and it can point out serious problems:

In order not to miss any of the diseases that cause pain in the calf muscles, after the appearance of the first symptoms, you should immediately contact the therapist to send you for a consultation with a specialist: a vascular surgeon, phlebologist, neurologist, traumatologist or infectious disease specialist.