Hyperkeratosis of the feet

Hyperkeratosis of the feet is a cutaneous pathology, in which excessive development, thickening and disruption of the corneal layer of the plantar surface of the feet occur. This disease is often not given due attention and is attributed to cosmetic defects. However, in the absence of treatment, complications can soon develop, including pain during walking, bleeding cracks and ulcers, and hard (root) calluses. Therefore, with the symptoms of hyperkeratosis of the feet, it is necessary to consult a doctor in a timely manner and begin the treatment procedures.

Symptoms of hyperkeratosis of the feet

Symptoms of hyperkeratosis are as follows:

Causes of hyperkeratosis of the feet

The factors provoking the development of hyperkeratosis of the feet are divided into two groups: endogenous and exogenous. The latter are factors acting from the outside. These include:

  1. Excessive pressure on the foot areas, leading to an increased division of skin cells, resulting in the old cells do not have time to exfoliate naturally (this may be due to the wearing of a tight or, on the contrary, large in size, disagreed footwear).
  2. Excess body weight or high growth, which also causes increased pressure on the feet.
  3. Congenital and acquired deformities of the foot ( flat feet , clubfoot, foot changes after injuries and surgeries), resulting in pressure in different parts of the foot are different, there are zones of increased pressure (so often there is hyperkeratosis of the heels, the outer or inner edge of the foot).
  4. Lifestyle or work associated with constant walking.

Endogenous, or internal, causes of hyperkeratosis of the feet - these are various diseases that lead to disruption of metabolic processes, worsening of trophic and blood circulation tissues, causing dryness and coarsening of the skin. We list the most common endogenous factors:

The risk of the onset and progression of hyperkeratosis increases with a combination of internal and external causes.

Treatment of hyperkeratosis of the feet

If hyperkeratosis is caused by any pathology, then treatment should begin with the elimination of the underlying cause. Treatment of hyperkeratosis of the feet is practiced by doctors-podogoles, dermatologists or cosmetologists. Symptomatic therapy is performed, which consists of regular procedures of medical pedicure (approximately once a month).

During the procedure, the foot is treated with disinfectants, special means for softening the stratum corneum. After that, the surface of the feet is treated by the hardware method using various attachments with further grinding and application of moisturizing and nutrients.

It is worth remembering that with this problem it is recommended to replace the usual orthopedic footwear, especially to people who lead an active lifestyle. In extreme cases, you can use orthopedic insoles. You should also follow a rational diet, monitor body weight.

Treatment of hyperkeratosis of feet folk remedies

At home, you should take daily care of the skin of the feet, using softening agents. Effectively The use of oil preparations of lavender, rosemary, mountain pine. At least once a week, it is recommended to make warm foot baths. For example, you can use this recipe:

  1. Dissolve in two liters of warm water two tablespoons of soda.
  2. Add three tablespoons of ammonia and 3-4 drops of ylang-ylang oil .
  3. The duration of the procedure is 15 minutes.

It is also recommended to use pumice daily to remove coarse skin.