Heartburn - Causes and Treatment at Home

Burning sensation, heat, tingling in the chest and epigastric zone, often accompanied by an unpleasant aftertaste in the mouth, is familiar to many people, especially if there are chronic problems with the digestive organs. The described symptom is called heartburn - the causes and treatment at home of the presented pathology is difficult to establish and develop independently, since several diseases can immediately provoke the transfer of stomach contents into the esophagus.

Causes of periodic heartburn and its treatment

Rare bouts of burning in the epigastric or thoracic region can be explained by eating disorders, as well as some functional disorders and temporary conditions:

In these cases, it is enough to adjust the menu, limit the consumption of seasonings, abandon bad habits and adhere to the basic rules of nutrition.

Also contributes to the appearance of the problem in question, especially during sleep, taking certain medications on the eve, in the evening (antidepressants, ibuprofen, sedatives, antihistamines, contraceptives and others). In this situation, treating the causes and symptoms of heartburn at night is to replace or completely eliminate medications that cause pain and discomfort.

If burning is difficult or impossible, drink 100-200 ml of one of the following products:

It also helps to chew dry buckwheat, corn or pea cereals, oat flakes, barley grains.

Causes and treatment of permanent heartburn

When the transfer of the contents of the stomach into the esophagus occurs regularly, you should immediately go to the gastroenterologist and go through some tests - ultrasound diagnosis of the abdominal organs, a blood test, urine and feces. Constant heartburn is always a sign of the development of serious pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract:

Treatment of the causes of heartburn and other symptoms of these diseases should be performed by a specialist. Moreover, therapy with any national recipes must be agreed with the doctor, since even herbs have a lot of contraindications.

A safe and highly effective remedy is phytotoxic for heartburn on the basis of 3 species of plants.

Recipe for infusion


Preparation and use

Combine all the ingredients, 1 teaspoon of phytospora pour boiling water, insist 1-2 hours. Drink 1 tbsp. spoon medication 3 times every 24 hours, continue for at least 3 weeks.

Treatment of heartburn and the causes of its appearance in tablets at home

To all patients suffering from bouts of burning in the esophagus, it is recommended Keep several of the following medicines in your home medicine chest:

The listed medicines relieve heartburn almost immediately after administration.