Atarax - analogues

Atarax is a preparation with a sedative, anxiolytic and antiemetic effect. The medication itself is an oblong white pill that is washed down with milk or water. The main substance is hydroxyzine hydrochloride, and as auxiliary are used:

The drug is used for psychomotor excitation, with increased irritability of a neurological nature, with chronic alcoholism, from skin itching and as a sedative.

Atarax is quite popular, but still it may not be suitable for treating the patient by some parameters, so they are looking for analogues of the drug, so the question arises: "How to replace Atarax?".

Which is better - Atarax or Terialzhen?

First of all it should be noted that Terialzhen is an antipsychotic drug, therefore it is used to treat various diseases of the nervous system, including mental disorders, depression, neuroses, and allergic reaction. From which it can be concluded that Teleralgen has a wider range of effects than Atarax, while it eliminates all manifestations of allergy, and Atarak - so much from itching, and therefore more effective.

Which is better - Atarax or Adaptol?

Adaptol is a tranquilizer and is used for symptomatic treatment, restoring sleep, cardialgia and for improving the tolerance of the patient to neuroleptics and tranquilizers, and is also used in the treatment of neuroses . Indications for the use of drugs have differences, but the specifics are similar, therefore, each of the drugs has its advantages, which are taken into account when choosing a medicine. And therefore, to answer the question, which of the drugs is better for them, since their function is different.

What is better than Atarax or Phenibut?

Phenibut is used for asthenic and anxious-neurotic state, psychopathy, fears and obsessions. Also, the medicine helps against insomnia and nightmares. In some aspects, the indications for the use of Atarax and Phenibut coincide, but their contraindications are significantly different. So, the first is not recommended for taking porphyria, pregnancy, lactation, labor and hypersensitivity to the components of the drug, and the second only in case of intolerance to phenibut. Therefore, choosing between the two medicines, the balance is outweighed in the direction of Fenibut, whose list of contraindications is much shorter.

Which is better - Atarax or Grandaxin?

Granaxin tablets are intended for treatment of:

In contrast to this medication, Atarax has a narrower profile and treats not diseases, but its manifestations or initial stages, therefore, for the treatment of complex diseases, the doctor will most likely appoint Grandaxin.

But still it is not necessary to make a choice between Atarax and its analogue, it is better to contact a specialist.