The Benefits of Pumpkins for Women

Pumpkin - a familiar and affordable vegetable, which for a long time retains excellent taste. Indisputable and useful pumpkin, especially for women - this vegetable is able to give beauty, lightness, youth and health.

What vitamins contains a pumpkin?

Thanks to the solid outer shell, the entire rich vitamin pumpkin complex is perfectly preserved during the winter until a new crop. But this vegetable is one of the leaders in the content of vitamins. In the pumpkin, a lot of vitamin A, which is needed by those who want to maintain or improve visual acuity. Such people doctors recommend drinking pumpkin juice more often.

Pumpkin is recognized as the leader among vegetables by the amount of beta-carotene (provitamin A), which, in cooperation with vitamin E, enhances rejuvenating qualities and prevents the development of oncology. Vitamin E , contained in a pumpkin, softens the symptoms of menopause, among them back pain and circulatory disorders.

Contains pumpkin and a rare vitamin T, which regulates metabolic processes in the body. Vitamin T helps stop bleeding, it is very important for those who want to lose weight. It is very good, in the opinion of nutritionists, to prepare a pumpkin as a side dish for meat dishes.

Contains pumpkin and other vitamins (C, D, PP and Group B), as well as potassium salts, phosphorus, calcium, magnesium, iron, nicotinic acid. Rich in vitamins and minerals and pumpkin seeds. In their composition, iron, calcium, zinc, copper, selenium, folic, linolenic and glutamic acids.

Benefit of a pumpkin for the woman's body

Pumpkin relieves a woman of many health problems. Due to the high content of potassium salts, the pumpkin is a good diuretic that excellently removes stones and sand from the kidneys. It is useful for patients with pyelonephritis and cystitis.

Pregnant gourd is useful for getting rid of the symptoms of toxicosis, removing excess fluid, and also for raising your mood. Pectins contained in the pumpkin contribute to the removal of toxins and cholesterol. This vegetable is useful to people suffering from heart diseases, increased acidity of the stomach, ulcers of the duodenum.

Pumpkin fiber is very soft and soft. It perfectly cleanses the intestines for people suffering from constipation and stagnation of bile. Necessarily need to eat pumpkin for cholelithiasis, hepatitis, liver cirrhosis.

Undoubtedly good for the body of a woman and pumpkin seeds. Pumpkin seeds relieve acne and improve the appearance of the skin. They have a strong anthelminthic effect and help to expel worms and other parasites. There are pumpkin seeds needed in raw form, for 50-70 pcs. in a day.

Why is a pumpkin for weight loss?

Useful properties of pumpkin for weight loss are to cleanse the body and remove excess fluid. Well helps to clean the intestines mixture of pumpkin, carrot and apple juices, taken in approximately equal proportions.

If you are wondering if a pumpkin is on a diet, you should find out what nutritionists recommend to arrange unloading days on this vegetable. Pumpkin for unloading is best baked with honey and spices in the oven. This fragrant dish will effectively cleanse the intestines, saturate the body with useful substances, relieve swelling and give energy that the vegetable has soaked up in the summer under the bright sun!

When losing weight, try to cook pumpkin soup for dinner. For its preparation, take 100 g of pulp of pumpkin and zucchini, as well as 1 Bulgarian pepper . Vegetables cook in a small amount of water almost half-ready, then add the tomato crushed in a blender. In a frying pan fry the onion and grated carrot, transfer the frying pan into a saucepan. Add salt to the soup, and let the vegetables fully cook. If desired, this dish can be prepared on chicken broth.