White sauce for fish

How to make the already delicious and fragrant fish even better? Well, of course give her another sauce. It is he who turns a simple dish into a masterpiece, eliminates not always a pleasant fishy smell and will complement the taste of the dish. Now we will tell you a few recipes for making delicious sauces to fish.

White sauce for fish - recipe



In the cream, add egg yolks and whisk. Then slowly pour fish broth, mix and put on the fire, heat the sauce, but do not boil. Then add lemon juice, salt, nutmeg.

Milk sauce for fish



In the frying pan, melt the butter, pour the flour into it slowly, mix it, so that there are no lumps. After that, pour in the milk and bring the sauce to a boil, add salt to taste and boil for about 5 minutes. Then the sauce is cooled and served to the fish. According to this recipe, it will be of medium density, if you want a more liquid sauce in the likeness of gravy, then it will be enough to take 1 tablespoon of flour and 1 tablespoon of butter.

Creamy fish sauce - recipe



Mix the cream with lemon juice, evaporate them on a small fire. The mass should decrease in volume by 1/3. After that, add the cooled butter and let the sauce cool.

Alternatively, lemon juice can be replaced with dry white wine. And in the grinding sauce you can add a variety of fillers: grated ginger, crushed olives, capers and even pickled or pickled cucumber. But it's important not to overdo it, because the sauce should complement the taste of the fish, and not interrupt it. You can slightly vary the taste of both the sauce and the dishes by preparing a creamy-cheese sauce.

Garlic sauce for fish



We rub on a small grater cheese mozzarella. Garlic is passed through the press. Mix sour cream with mayonnaise, cheese and garlic. We let the sauce soak with the taste and smell of garlic and serve it to the fish. Also, this sauce is perfect for vegetables, poultry, various salads. Other variants of this recipe can be found in the article "Garlic Sauce" .

Sauce for fish with sour cream



First, fry the flour in a dry frying pan. When it gets golden color, turn off the fire, turn the flour a little, and then add butter, salt, spices and slowly introduce sour cream. All well mix, bring to a boil and cook for about 5 minutes over a small fire. Then sauce once again well stir and filter. If desired, you can also add chopped garlic and greens. In this case, it will already be sour-garlic sauce to the fish.

Yoghurt fish sauce



Dill finely chop, from the lemon squeezed juice, garlic is passed through the press. All the ingredients are mixed with yogurt, if desired, can still be salted. Let the sauce stand and bring it to the table.

Creamy caviar sauce for fish



With half a lemon peel the peel, rub it on a fine grater, and squeeze the juice out of the core. In the saucepan pour the cream, bring them to a boil, add crushed zest, lemon juice and juice to taste. Slightly evaporate the mass to make the sauce thicken. Then we cool the sauce, add lemon juice, and at the very end we add caviar. It is important not to spread it into hot sauce, otherwise it will cook, become firm, and the sauce will be spoiled.