Signs of HIV infection

Infection with this disease occurs when the HIV virus enters the bloodstream or on the mucous membrane. The first signs of HIV disease in many people do not appear, but most infected within a few days or weeks after contact with the virus, there are symptoms that resemble the flu.

The first symptoms

The first signs of HIV infection can not be distinguished from a simple cold. The virus manifests itself through an increase in temperature to 37.5-38 degrees, rapid fatigue or an increase in lymph nodes on the neck, and after a while the first signs of HIV infection do not pass by themselves. The development of this insidious disease in different people is different, so after infection the very first signs of HIV may not arise. Such an asymptomatic stage of the disease can last for several months and more than 10 years. During this period, the virus does not "sleep", it continues to actively share, destroy and infect the cells of the immune system, and weakened immunity no longer fully fights against a variety of viruses, bacteria and other infectious agents. It is very important to recognize the signs of HIV infection at an early stage of infection, as with every new day the disease will destroy an increasing number of cells that are directly fighting infections.

The main signs of HIV

When the immune system is weakened, the main signs of HIV can appear in the infected patient. These include:

Such explicit signs of HIV for those who have a risk of infection should be the reason for the analysis that confirms infection, because timely treatment will avoid the diagnosis of AIDS.

External signs of HIV

During the acute phase of the disease, external signs of HIV infection may appear. On the skin there are red spots, blisters or whitish coating. The skin of an infected person is so weakened and inflamed that often an infected person has an appearance:

Infection in the body develops every day, and signs of HIV infection can be almost invisible, for example, such insignificant as an increase in lymph nodes in the armpits, above the clavicle, in the groin or on the back / front side of the neck. All those who are at risk, it is recommended to be checked not only for diseases accompanied by an increase in lymph nodes, but also to pass tests for HIV.

Signs of HIV infection in women at an early stage may be manifested by frequent or severe vaginal infections and pelvic infections that are difficult to treat. It can also be smears cervical uteri, which indicate abnormal changes or dysplasia, and ulcers on the genitals, and genital warts.

With the development of HIV infection, the patient's body is very hard to tolerate diseases that are easily cured or go away by themselves in healthy people. And at the stage of AIDS, any infection that will degenerate into severe conditions can lead to a deadly condition. A timely diagnosis on the basis of the first signs of infection and competent timely treatment of HIV can for a long time delay the transition of HIV infection to other stages and preserve the quality of life for the patient.