What to do in case of poisoning to avoid serious consequences?

The state of health during intoxication of an organism considerably worsens, therefore it is necessary to know what to do with poisoning, conducting the first pre-medical help. Because of severe dehydration, there can be very serious consequences, and it is important to have the necessary skills to prevent the development of all sorts of complications.

Intoxication causes

Provoke poisoning can various substances that enter the body or are part of the products of decay. Among the most common types can be identified the following intoxications, depending on the causes of their occurrence.

  1. Poisoning by poisons of plant origin and microorganisms.
  2. Intoxication of the body with salts of heavy metals (halogens, beryllium, arsenic, lead , cadmium, etc.).
  3. Food intoxication occurs with the use of spoiled foods or originally infected by various pathogenic and poisonous organisms.
  4. Chemical poisoning when using household chemicals.
  5. Mercury poisoning during operation or in contact with devices containing this substance.
  6. Alcohol poisoning in case of excessive use of alcohol-containing beverages or counterfeit alcohol using methyl or ethyl alcohol.
  7. Poisoning by household or carbon monoxide .
  8. Drug poisoning, the cause of which is often uncontrolled drug intake and non-compliance with the recommended dosage.
  9. Intoxication caused by the action of acids and alkalis.

Symptoms of poisoning

Symptomatics of intoxication depends on the cause of poisoning, so it is necessary to disassemble each type of poisoning individually. The most common signs of poisoning, observed in most types of intoxication:

Poisoning temperature

Considering the signs of intoxication of the body, special attention should be paid to such a symptom as an increase in body temperature. This condition signals that the body began to fight dangerous substances, creating an environment that is impossible for the survival of infections. This suggests that it is not necessary to bring down the temperature, which is not higher than 38 degrees, but what if the mercury column readings exceeded this mark? Symptoms of intoxication have their own cause and to deal with the consequences are ineffective, therefore, we should address the causes themselves.

  1. Admission of adsorbents. It is necessary to drink any adsorbing drug, if the first dose does not help, you should take more.
  2. Gastric lavage. It is necessary to drink as much liquid as possible, including for provoking vomiting.
  3. Cleansing of the intestines with enema. With the help of warm water and enema, the intestines are washed. Do the procedure better in the first few hours.

Vomiting during poisoning

What to do with poisoning, accompanied by vomiting - a natural question, because such a symptom can lead to dehydration of the body. As you know, the first signs of intoxication are vomiting, dizziness and abdominal pain. It is necessary to combat such a state in view of the reason, in order to know how to influence it, and not on the consequences. Stop the response of a gag reflex with intoxication can help:

  1. Rinsing of the stomach with a weak solution of potassium permanganate.
  2. Soda solution for the same purposes (20 g per liter of water).
  3. Acceptance of activated carbon at the rate of one tablet for every 10 kilograms of weight.
  4. If the body rejects all the solutions and preparations that are taken, it is possible to make an anti-emetic injection of Cerucal and, after a while, resume taking solutions or absorbent tablets.

First aid for poisoning

Providing first aid for the first time in case of poisoning, one should know about the causes of intoxication and what to do in each individual case. What you need to do with poisoning predetermines the availability of the means necessary to effectively provide assistance in poisoning. In any case, it is necessary to find out from a person who suffers from intoxication about possible their causes and only then to do something.

Food poisoning

The most popular cause of intoxication is food poisoning. Violation of storage and cooking conditions, non-compliance with sanitary norms, and the use of contaminated products often lead to poisoning. Everyone can benefit from knowledge of how to properly help in this case.

  1. Gastric lavage. More often it is a solution of manganese (weak) or soda (in one liter dissolve 20 g of soda). If natural vomiting does not occur, then you need to call it yourself.
  2. Abundant drink. To avoid dehydration and to improve the process of removing toxic substances from the body, it is recommended to drink a lot. It can be black tea without sugar, mineral water without gas, boiled water, chamomile broth.
  3. Reception of medicines. This method of enveloping drugs (Almagel, Magnesia, Fosfalugel, etc.) and absorbents (Activated carbon, Enterosgel, Sorbeks, etc.).

Alcohol poisoning

Another common cause of poisoning is alcohol intoxication, accompanied by nausea and vomiting, weakness, and when taking large doses and loss of consciousness. The consequences of such intoxication can be the most terrible, up to a lethal outcome, so much depends on the ability to provide the right help.

  1. The first thing you need is to get rid of the leftover alcohol in your stomach. For this drink in large quantities of water (you can salted) and cause vomiting.
  2. The next stage is the restoration of the balance of water and salt in the body. To do this, you need to take liquids containing electrolytes. Suitable mineral water without gas, a solution of Regidron.
  3. Further, it is necessary to take absorbents that will bind and help to remove the remains of alcohol decay products from the body.

If acute poisoning with alcohol-containing beverages led to a loss of consciousness, then the procedure is as follows:

  1. Call an ambulance.
  2. It is necessary to try to bring a person to life before the arrival of the ambulance. To do this, give sniff ammonia and actively rub the lobes of the ears.
  3. Trying to induce vomiting in a person without consciousness is strictly prohibited! In order to ensure that the victim does not suffocate while sinking the tongue and / or is not choked with vomit, it is placed on a flat surface on his side. Such actions are applicable in all cases of loss of consciousness during intoxication.

Drug poisoning

It is also important to know what to take when taking drugs and what actions to take in this case. With confidence in drug poisoning, the procedure is as follows:

  1. Gastric lavage with abundant fluid intake.
  2. Reception of drugs-sorbents: Enterosgel, Smekta, Fosfalugel, Sorbeks, Polysorb, Atoxil and others.
  3. Abundant drink: boiled or mineral water (without gas) or black non-hot tea.

Poisoning with acids and alkalis

Knowing what to do with poisoning, if its cause is exposure to alkali or acid, will help to provide proper help to the victim before the doctors arrive. These intoxications are very difficult, especially when it comes to ingestion of these substances. Chemical burns of mucous membranes and internal organs can provoke asphyxia and death.

Prior to the arrival of doctors, first aid is given if poisoning with acids is obtained:

  1. The stomach is washed through the probe using a solution of burnt magnesia or lime water.
  2. If it is impossible to rinse with a probe, you need to give the victim to drink the enveloping agents that will be on hand: mucous broths, egg whites, vegetable oil, milk.
  3. To reduce pain in the abdominal area, you can apply something cold.
  4. Important! Soda solution for rinsing is forbidden! When poisoning with carbolic acid, milk and fats are also prohibited!

In case of alkali poisoning, it is necessary to do the following:

  1. In the first four hours, rinse the stomach with warm water, adding citric acid or acetic acid (1%).
  2. If this procedure is not possible, they are allowed to drink any enveloping agents, lemon juice or 3% acetic acid solution.
  3. Important! Soda should not be used for alkali poisoning!

Mercury poisoning

Any intoxication is dangerous, and poisoning with chemicals is one of the most difficult, which poses a serious threat to human health. With such intoxication, it is recommended to take a number of measures, before hospitalization.

  1. Get away from the source of poisoning.
  2. With a weak solution of potassium permanganate, rinse all exposed skin and mucous membranes.
  3. Rinse the stomach with a probe with a mild solution of potassium permanganate, if possible.

Poisoning by household gas

Everyone should know what to do with poisoning by household gas, because no one is immune from its leakage. Poisoning with gas is accompanied by increased tearing, burning of mucous membranes, headaches and dizziness. In the case of severe symptoms of intoxication, the following measures are used in this case:

  1. Evacuate the victim from the premises.
  2. Provide maximum access to oxygen.
  3. Lay on a flat surface, lifting your legs. With open vomit put a person on his side.
  4. If gas poisoning occurs, the victim is massaged in the chest to improve blood circulation.
  5. Provide a plentiful drink.
  6. When unconsciousness is carried out, artificial respiration.

Carbon monoxide poisoning

If carbon monoxide poisoning has occurred, it is necessary to know the rules for providing emergency assistance before the arrival of physicians and hospitalization.

  1. It is necessary to lead / take a person out into the street or into another room and provide access to oxygen, give sniffs of ammonia.
  2. Do not let a person fall asleep, but if consciousness is cut off, then perform artificial respiration.
  3. Give them any sorbing drugs.

Poisoning - treatment

For the body any intoxication is dangerous, the treatment of which must be started as soon as possible. The consequences of poisoning can cause serious health problems, as always in such cases the internal organs and systems of our body suffer. Treatment is prescribed taking into account the substance that caused intoxication. If to describe the general methods of therapy, applied at different poisonings, it basically:

  1. Gastric lavage with solutions taken orally or with a probe.
  2. The intake of sorbing drugs that help to remove from the body dangerous toxins and toxic substances.
  3. Restore the water-salt balance in the body to avoid dehydration and to improve the removal of harmful substances.
  4. Restoration of intestinal microflora .
  5. Providing rest and proper rest for faster recovery.

Consequences of poisoning

Any acute intoxication can have negative consequences for human health, which you need to know in order to avoid situations that carry the danger of intoxication.

  1. When poisoning caused by chemicals, poisons, gases, there may be disruptions in the work of systems and organs: pathological abnormalities in the work of the liver, hypertension, problems with the gallbladder, atherosclerosis of the vessels.
  2. Alcohol poisoning can affect absolutely any systems and organs, it all depends on the type of alcohol, the degree of poisoning and the individual characteristics of the organism.
  3. Food poisoning is dangerous due to the possibility on their soil of the development of various chronic diseases of the digestive tract. Few people know that overweight, allergies, joint problems, diabetes and various abnormalities in the work of internal organs can be consequences of food poisoning previously suffered.