Hepatic fluke

Parasites are a class of extremely unpleasant microorganisms. Some of them are dangerous only for animals, while others can harm the human body. The hepatic trematode is one of the so-called universal parasites. That is, to be afraid of the appearance of this representative of flatworms is necessary in domestic animals and cattle, and in humans.

Ways of infection with the hepatic fluke

The liver trematode is absolutely indiscriminate in the victims - it can calmly develop in both the animal and the human body. The life cycle of the worm is long enough. All flukes are hermaphrodites, and therefore any individual can produce similar ones, moreover in quite large quantities.

The larvae of the worm in the body linger for a short time. The development of the hepatic trematode occurs in the external environment, where its larvae fall shortly after birth. The best parasites feel in hot, humid terrain. Worms attach themselves to plants and so they subsequently enter the body of a new victim.

Both animals and people are infected in very similar ways. In the body of animals, the liver fluke enters with unwashed grass, and the person becomes infected by eating dirty fruits, vegetables, greens (sorrel and salad are the favorite habitats of the parasite). Another source of contamination is water containing worm larvae. That's why all the calls to drink purified water and necessarily wash the food before consumption really make sense.

Signs of parasitism of the hepatic trematode

Based on the name, guess where the parasite develops most conveniently is not difficult. Indeed, most often helminths of this species settle in the liver and gall bladder, although, in principle, the liver flukes can hit any human organs:

Signs of ingestion of the hepatic trematode parasite into the body can manifest themselves in different ways. Depending on the stage of infection, the symptoms change. For example, the early stage of fascioliasis is characterized by such signs:

The main problem is that most of the above symptoms are not seriously perceived - they are accustomed to write off for overwork, improper nutrition, disgusting ecology and other everyday problems. For the same reasons, the more distinct symptoms of infection by the hepatic fluke, which appear at a late stage, are also ignored:

It also happens that fascioliasis is completely asymptomatic. And helminths can hide for a long time - in some organisms flukes safely exist, without manifesting themselves, within three to four months. Because of this, disease is detected already in a neglected form, and accordingly, and treatment of it is substantially complicated.

It is very important to understand that the activity of helminths leads to irreversible consequences. Parasites can severely injure mucous membranes, thereby causing blockage of the bile ducts, which threatens serious problems. One of the most terrible consequences of fascioliasis is cirrhosis of the liver . That is why, even with barely noticeable signs of the liver fluke it is better to immediately consult a specialist.