Goulash in Hungarian from beef - recipe

Despite the country of origin, the goulash recipe is widely distributed not only in Europe but also abroad, and the reason for this is the simplicity of cooking, the available ingredients, the satiety and the stunning taste characteristic of a properly cooked goulash. The authentic Hungarian dish is based on beef and it will be the main participant of all recipes from the list below.

How to cook goulash from beef?

Like any traditional dish, the Hungarian goulash has many "brethren", the recipes of which are more or less different among themselves. It is sometimes difficult to find an original recipe, but we will try to reproduce it further.



Pour a little oil in the brazier, use it to pass the onions. Onion fried with ground paprika, fenugreek and put on a separate dish. In the remains of butter, brown the beef cubes, generously season the meat with sea salt and rubbed garlic paste. To the ruddy meat, add the rings of sweet pepper, a little grated carrot and potato cubes. Pour into the beef and vegetables the tomatoes, add the grill and pour everything with the broth. Supplement the future goulash with a laurel leaf and heat it with a mild heat for about an hour. Proof of the readiness of our classic Hungarian goulash will be the decaying fiber of meat, languishing in a thick tomato sauce.

If you do not know how to cook a beef goulash in a multivarquet, but burn with a desire to try the recipe in the kitchen assistant, then first of all brown the meat in the bowl, add vegetables and spices to it, and after 5 minutes fill the dish with tomatoes and broth. Switch from "Baking" to "Quenching" and leave the dish to languish for about an hour and a half.

Hungarian goulash - recipe

Another no less traditional version of the Hungarian goulash is prepared on the basis of beer. In this case, it's not worth saving on penne, because its aftertaste will be clearly felt in the finished dish.


For goulash:

For dumplings:


Let's start with the goulash itself. Before cooking goulash from beef with gravy, in the brazier it is necessary to warm up the fat remaining after bacon roasting. On warmed fat, let's pass the onion and mix it with sliced ​​cubes, beef. After 10 minutes, when the meat grabs a blush, we add garlic and fenugreek seeds to it, season everything with sea salt and paprika, pour beer mixed with water in equal proportions. After boiling, we reduce the fire and extinguish the goulash for another two hours. We put to the beef cubes of tomato and a ring of sweet pepper, again we mix everything, strengthen the heat to medium and continue cooking for another hour. Now we put diced potato tubers, prepare the dish for another 60 minutes.

Ready goulash is served with egg dumplings which are prepared from a mixture of fat with egg, flour and water. The mixed dough is left to rest in the cool for 15 minutes. Portions of dumplings are brewed in boiling water until floating and spread over the meat with sauce.