Verapamil - indications for use

Verapamil is a drug prescribed for calcium channel blockade, if necessary. The drug Verapamil has multiple indications for use. With the help of it, you can conduct prophylaxis of angina attacks, and Prinzmetal angina pectoris as well.

Action of the drug Verapamil

The main pharmacological properties of this drug are due to its excellent ability not to allow calcium ions to enter the smooth muscle cells of the vessel walls and into cardiomyocytes. The active substance of the drug reduces the need for myocardium in O2 (oxygen), reducing myocardial contractility and decreasing heart rate.

In addition, verapamil is able to expand the coronary arteries, thereby, it increases the coronary blood flow. Reducing the tone of the smooth muscle of peripheral vessels, Verapamil has an antihypertensive effect. With supraventricular arrhythmias, he produces an antiarrhythmic effect, bringing the heart rate back to normal.

What is Verapamil for?

This drug is indicated for:

Indications for the use of verapamil is the hypertensive crisis, primary hypertension in a small circle of blood circulation.

Also suitable for the treatment and prevention of various supraventricular arrhythmias:

After ingestion, the drug is absorbed by 90%, and its bioavailability is 20-35% when first passed through the liver. With long-term admission and in high doses, this indicator increases.

The use and contraindications of the drug Verapamil

The doctor must prescribe the regimen and dosage individually. As a rule, for adults, the initial dose is from forty to eighty milligrams three times a day. The maximum daily dose can be 480 mg.

Multiplicity of application is three to four times a day. Take medication during meals or immediately after eating, without forgetting to drink a small amount of water.

Contraindicated in the use of Verapamil for people with:

The drug has side effects that affect the main body systems:

1. Cardiovascular system:

2. Peripheral nervous system and CNS:

3. The digestive system:

4. Allergic reactions:

The negative consequences of taking this drug are:

Verapamil with extreme caution is prescribed if the patient:

It is also undesirable to take medication by people engaged in potentially dangerous activities, requiring increased attention and instant reaction, pregnant and lactating mothers.