Can I rinse my mouth with Chlorhexidine?

Many have heard that one of the best antiseptic means for washing wounds is Chlorhexidine, but not everyone knows whether they can rinse their mouth or not. This substance actively acts on bacteria, the simplest viruses. It is able to penetrate into microorganisms and block them access to oxygen, which leads to their immediate death. Washing with this drug is prescribed for various injuries of the oral cavity and throat.

Can I rinse my mouth with Chlorhexidine in my throat?

This drug is on the market with different concentrations - it all depends on the purpose of use. Many often encounter throat problems, be it purulent angina or any other viral disease that affects the organ. Although to date, specialists have managed to create many effective drugs that help treat such diseases, but the most effective so far are gargles Chlorhexidine. During the procedure, the healing substance acts on the viruses, preventing their reproduction. This leads to notable results.

Can I rinse my mouth with Chlorhexidine in stomatitis?

Despite the fact that this drug actively fights against microorganisms, it still can not properly affect the herpes virus, so it is useless to use it for such manifestation of the disease. At the same time, the remedy will be useful for treating the aphthous form of the disease and the disorders that were caused by Candida fungus. It should be remembered that the treatment should not exceed ten days, otherwise it can provoke a dysbacteriosis in the mouth, which is also not considered the norm.

Can I rinse my mouth with chlorhexidine with a flux?

The drug has a disastrous effect on virtually all pathogenic microorganisms. During topical application it has a healing and anti-inflammatory effect. Rinse mouth with flux should be carried out with a half-percentage solution of Chlorhexidine no more than four times a day. This procedure It is necessary to carry out until the obvious changes in the spread of the disease are evident. But the course should not exceed more than ten days. If during this time the expected effect could not be achieved - the procedure is repeated, but with a break in a week.

Can I rinse my mouth with chlorhexidine during pregnancy?

During the study, specialists were unable to identify any adverse effect of the drug on pregnant or lactating mothers. However, as in any other case, it is preferable to apply it for no more than ten days.