Modern approach to the treatment of hypotension

In medical circles, hypotonia is given undeservedly little attention. Despite the fact that low blood pressure does not lead to serious heart diseases, stroke or infarction, and the chronic course of the disease even protects the vessels from atherosclerosis, hypotension remains an unresolved problem with negative consequences.

What is hypotension?

This disease is accompanied by an underestimation of pressure, which are either signs of other disorders in the body, or have a chronic nature of the course.

Primary pathological hypotension is a neurocirculatory, which appeared against the background of vegetative-vascular dystonia, and orthostatic idiopathic, which arises from a sharp change in the position of the body (from horizontal to vertical).

The secondary symptomatic type of the disease can be manifested by acute attacks - a sharp decrease in pressure, and also to flow in a chronic form.

Physiological hypotension, as a rule, does not last long and arises against the background of physical overloads, climate change or weather. In addition, low blood pressure, perhaps, is the norm for a person by hereditary factors or by a certain type of physique.

Known ways to treat hypotension

Special medication for the treatment of the ailment in question, unfortunately, has not been developed. A cardiologist and a neurologist usually prescribe funds for relief of headaches and withdrawal of general symptoms. Various natural extracts and tinctures are prescribed as medicines. Among them, the following drugs are popular:

Also, all kinds of tonic aids are recommended, including caffeine, strong tea with sugar, decoctions of lemon balm, mint and duschitsa.

However, even the integrated use of the listed drugs does not have the desired effect, so hypotonic patients are looking for all sorts of additional methods of treatment.

Modern Approach to Disease Therapy

The main direction in the treatment of hypotension is a comprehensive approach aimed not only at eliminating the signs of the disease, but also at normalizing the pressure.

It is necessary to stop the arising headache as soon as possible, since it can not be tolerated. For this take such drugs:

Vegeto-vascular dystonia can be treated with Ortho-Taurine. He not only bends the pressure, but also calms the nervous system, relaxes the blood vessels. Alternatively, you can use cerebrolysin.

Excitation, depressive conditions, irritability and neurasthenia are indications for taking such medications:

To improve brain activity, blood circulation in tissues Piracetam, Nootropil, Encephabol, Tanakan and Pyridhitol are used.

In addition to drug treatment, hypotension should carefully regulate the regime of the day, take care of adequate nutrition, a sufficient amount of liquid to drink, allocate for sleep at least 10 hours a day. After waking up, it is advisable to do the gymnastics for 10-15 minutes. It is worth noting that the morning cup of natural coffee, of course, does not hurt, but the amount of tonic drink consumed should not exceed 300 ml per day. As substitutes for caffeine, you can use black and herbal tea.