Hirsutism in women

Hirsutism is a phenomenon in which women experience excessive hair growth, as well as their presence in androgen-dependent zones (chest, cheekbones, chin, hips).

The causes of hirsutism in women

Among the main prerequisites for increased hairiness in women, doctors will allocate:

The causes of hirsutism in women are not always possible, in such cases the disease is referred to as idiopathic type.

Idiopathic hirsutism is difficult to treat and therapy is mainly aimed at eliminating the symptoms of the condition in question.

Sometimes the increased hairiness in women is not a pathology, as it can be caused by the peculiarities of the hormonal background and the functioning of the organs that produce sex hormones.

How to treat hirsutism?

Light forms of hirsutism are not necessarily subject to treatment. In addition, the disease is often confused with hypertrichosis - increasing the stiffness and pigmentation of hair in areas that are not androgen-dependent. But if the hairiness causes a violation of the emotional state of a woman or reduces the quality of her life, a gentle adjustment of the hormonal background, perhaps with the use of phytoestrogens, is required.

Treatment of hirsutism in women is determined by a doctor gynecologist-endocrinologist after establishing the exact cause of the disease. The fact is that hirsutism, in fact, is not an independent disease, but is considered a symptom of more serious violations of the endocrine system.

Most often prescribed drugs that reduce the sensitivity of hair bulbs to androgens and suppress the production of testosterone in the body of a woman. In addition, in the absence of contraindications, oral contraceptives with antiandrogenic action are applied for a course of 3 months to 6 months. In cases of serious violations of the hormonal balance, treatment should be repeated more than once.

It is worth noting that the therapy of hirsutism in women prevents its further manifestations, but does not eliminate the already existing hair.

Treatment of hirsutism with folk remedies

The folk treatment of hirsutism is aimed at suppressing the production of androgens with the help of phytoestrogens. They contain a lot of soy and soy products. In addition, phytoestrogens include the following products:

For complex therapy, you should supplement your diet with the above products .

When treating hirsutism with herbs, you need to pay special attention to the uterus boron. This plant contains phytoestrogens in high concentration and with a long reception gently normalizes the hormonal balance.

Folk remedies include hair removal recipes:

  1. Nut . From the peel of green walnuts, gently squeeze the juice. It must be daily rubbed into problem areas with excessive hair, after 15-30 minutes, thoroughly wash the area to be treated with water and lemon juice.
  2. Datura . From the stem, roots and leaves of the plant to prepare a strong broth, cool it. In the evening, in front of the shower, wipe with a cool decoction of the dope of the area with excessive hair growth. It is advisable to make an allergy test before using the remedy, since datum is a poisonous plant and can cause skin irritation.