Barbiturates - list of drugs

Very often the term "barbiturates" is applied to all existing sedative medications. In fact, it is relevant only for a certain group of means. The list of drugs-barbiturates is large enough. Despite the fact that the medicines of this group have many contraindications and side effects, sometimes without their help, it is almost impossible to manage.

The mechanism of action of barbiturates

Barbiturates are made on the basis of barbituric acid. They were invented at the beginning of the last century. To date, from more than two thousand known drugs to meet on sale can be no more than a dozen. It is explained by too heavy action of medicines.

Barbiturates have a powerful sedative, analgesic and hypnotic effect. For sure, many drugs of the barbiturate group are associated with drugs - quite rightly. The fact is that drugs depress the nervous system, and too frequent use threatens to get used to.

The action of barbiturates can be compared to the reaction of the body to alcohol: first, a period of euphoria and excitement (depending on the constitution and the state of human health, this stage can last from several minutes to two or three hours), after - a heavy sleep, after which there is a depressed and a broken state.

The pharmacokinetics of almost all barbiturates are the same. The active substances of the preparations are very quickly and almost completely absorbed in the organs of the gastrointestinal tract. In other organs, adsorption practically does not occur. Basically, barbiturates are excreted from the body by the kidneys, but when taking certain types of drugs, the main load falls on the liver.

Medicines differ in the duration of the action. Suitable ones are chosen depending on the problem. So, for example, one patient will be helped to calm down with a short (up to six hours) action, while the other will be able to feel the effect only from the strongest medication.

Most drugs from the list of barbiturates are prescribed in the following cases:

Preliminary intake of barbiturates enhances the effect of local anesthesia and pain medications. You can take the medication as in the form of tablets or powders, either intravenously or intramuscularly. Some of the drugs are allowed to enter rectally. But most often barbiturates are injected into the body intravenously.

Barbiturates - what does it concern them?

No matter how surprising it may seem, the names of most of the drugs recognized as barbiturates are now heard. Most likely, you had to hear about such medicines as:

Most of the drugs on this list are long-acting barbiturates. Influence in the body, they begin after a quarter of an hour (and sometimes even less) after taking.

The list of the most popular drugs-barbiturates can also include the following medicines:

In medical practice, barbiturates are often used, such as:

Buy all of the above preparations without a prescription in officially registered pharmacies is unrealistic. If necessary, in a very limited number they can be obtained from the attending physician.