How does the man in love with Aquarius behave?

Aquarius mistakenly rank among the representatives of the water element. However, this is completely wrong, they belong to the signs of air. This, of course, has an impact on how the man in love with Aquarius behaves.

What woman can interest a man of Aquarius?

Representatives of this sign often fall in love with eccentric women who will not follow the general canons of behavior. Usually, such women are sufficiently inquisitive and intelligent. Therefore, the subject of their passion will always be interesting, why men Aquarians behave this way.

Speaking about the signs of attention that will be pleasing to the guy born under this sign, it is worth mentioning that they like surprises and unusual gifts. It is the mystery that attracts both the man in love with Aquarius and the representative of this sign who is still acting out.

How does the enamored Aquarius behave?

Men of this element do not like commitment and boredom. Therefore, wait for the original meetings and a storm of passions. But, all this will be done very elegantly and even with some elegance. Male Aquarius at the stage of courtship behaves as if everything that is important to him now, it's you and your attitude to him. But, do not relax, these guys can quickly cool to you, if they do not see the same passion and originality from you.

Therefore, react to its manifestations ambiguously. Today you are glad to see him, tomorrow you are busy, and the day after tomorrow you are so interested in him that you yourself invite him to a date.

A man in love, born under this sign, will do anything for her woman that she asks for, only if it does not contradict his principles. Man Aquarius wants to see in a partner like-minded. And this means that you must sincerely share his hobbies and interests. False and false, they feel instantly, so it's impossible to play interest.