Shchi from sorrel with egg - recipe

Green cabbage soup with sorrel and egg is one of the most popular hot first dishes of Russian cuisine. It is prepared quickly and simply, and it turns out amazingly fragrant and tasty.

Shchi from sorrel with egg - recipe



To prepare this dish, pour filtered water into the pan and put the dishes on the stove, turning on the fire. Then gently lower the processed chicken, bring the broth to a boil, remove the bubbly, raise the foam and cook on medium heat, covering the lid. In parallel with this, in a small saucepan, boil the eggs. Vegetables are washed, cleaned as necessary and cut into cubes, and fresh greens are rinsed and finely shredded. We put potatoes, onions and carrots in a saucepan, add salt, pepper to taste and cook until the softness of the vegetables. Next, throw the greens and languish soup for another 20 minutes. Now turn off the fire, throw the seasonings, insist the dish and serve the cabbage soup from the sorrel to the table, decorating the chopped egg and filling with chilled sour cream.

Recipe of cabbage soup with sorrel and egg without meat



Pour clean water into a saucepan and heat it over a small fire to a boil. This time we wash the potatoes, clean it and cut it into cubes. Carrots are processed and shredded with thin straws. The bulb is cleaned and cut into half rings. Sorrel thoroughly washed, dried with a towel and crushed. In a saucepan with boiling water, throw carefully potatoes and salt to taste. In the frying pan pour oil, warm it and passeruem to transparent state luchok. Add the carrot and simmer the vegetables for about 7 minutes. Put the roast in the pot to the potatoes, cover with the lid, reduce the flame and simmer the soup for about 10 minutes. In the bowl, break the eggs and beat them well with a mixer until the foam appears. After this, the resulting mixture is poured in a thin trickle into a saucepan and cook for another 3 minutes. In the finished soup we throw the chopped sorrel, boil them, and then turn off the fire, cover with a lid and let the dish brew. We pour out the dish on plates and serve it to the table with sour cream.

Green cabbage soup with sorrel and quail eggs in the multivark



We thoroughly rinse the chicken, cut it into small pieces, and process the vegetables and grind them. Now we put all the prepared ingredients in the bowl of the multivarquet, we throw salt and any aromatic spices to your taste. Content fill with filtered water, close the lid of the device and leave to cook, selecting the "Quenching" mode, 1.5 hours. If your multivarker has a "Soup" program, then use it better. Without wasting time, prepare the sorrel: rinse it, shake it, remove all the petioles and cut it together with the rest of the greens. Quail eggs boil in a bucket, cool, clean and cut in half. For 15 minutes before the dish is ready, open the lid of the appliance, we throw all the greens to the sound signal. Fragrant green soup spilled on plates, seasoned with chilled sour cream and each portion is decorated with hard-boiled quail eggs.