Hepatitis C - treatment with folk remedies

Hepatitis C is a disease that is caused by a virus, and in the beginning often does not have the characteristic symptoms that would make a person turn to the right specialist. This virus is transmitted only through the blood and more often observed in young people. Over time, without providing timely treatment, the disease becomes chronic, which makes it difficult to get rid of it. Nevertheless, modern medicine makes sure steps forward: today, these drugs are being created and manufactured that help to cure the severe chronic form of hepatitis C.

Along with this, there are not only viral forms of hepatitis, called Latin letters, but also toxic ones: alcoholic and medicinal forms.

Also, cases of radiation and autoimmune hepatitis are known in medicine.

Traditional methods of treatment of hepatitis C

Treatment of hepatitis C with herbs can not be called full, so "natural medicines" can only be used as a supplement.

For the general strengthening of the body, you can drink decoctions of rose hips - they have a lot of vitamin C, which is useful in fighting the virus. Within 2 weeks, you need to consume up to 0.5 liters of tea with rose hips.

Treatment of chronic hepatitis with the help of herbs and medications

With the help of folk methods, the treatment of hepatitis is also undesirable: it is a serious disease in which herbs and natural products can not influence so much as to achieve a cure. To maintain the condition of connoisseurs of folk medicine recommend drinking a decoction of corn stigmas for 3 weeks three times a day for 250 ml.

When the disease has passed into a chronic form, intensive medical treatment is required. The basis of the strategy is to increase the protective functions of the body primarily by "shock" doses of drugs based on interferon alfa and ribavirin. This is a group of antiviral medicines that are effective against RNA and DNA-containing viruses.

Treatment of toxic hepatitis with the help of folk methods and medicines

Among the groups of toxic hepatitis, alcohol, drug and chemical forms are distinguished.

Treatment of alcoholic, chemical and medicinal hepatitis includes several directions:

  1. Purification of the liver from toxins with the help of combined solutions, including vitamin complexes. Often, vitamin B and ascorbic acid are used to treat alcoholic hepatitis.
  2. Compliance with diet: the use of large amounts of protein and the intake of low-fat, but nutritious food. Also, the rejection of bad habits is necessary.
  3. Medicamentous treatment - the use of hepatoprotectors, which improve homeostasis, restore cells and liver function.

To normalize the work of the liver with the help of folk methods, it is recommended to drink a decoction of dandelion roots in ½ cup 3 times a day.

To remove the inflammatory process, it is useful to drink tea from chamomile and calendula - up to 1 liter a day.

Treatment of autoimmune hepatitis with honey, lemon and medications

The specificity of autoimmune hepatitis is that it is caused by the body's own cells - antibodies that have developed according to the wrong pattern, and now, being immune cells, fight against healthy cells of the body (in this case, the liver).

The specificity of treating this form of hepatitis is to maintain the functioning of the liver and to keep its cells, suppressing the autoimmune process. For this, glucocorticosteroid medications are used: prednisolone, or its analog methylprednisolone.

To improve the immune system with a folk remedy, mix 200 g of honey and 100 g lemon peel, before that, chopping the fruit. After the agent is infused over the course of the day, it will be ready for use. It is necessary to eat 3 tablespoons. on the day of this mixture for 2 months, so that the immune system is strengthened.

Features of treatment of hepatitis C in children

Treatment of children with hepatitis does not differ much from the treatment regimen of an adult: the only difference is the dosage of drugs. Also, in the treatment of children, one must take into account that the organism is in a growing state, because of what it is necessary to pay attention to other organs and systems, giving them support for proper development.