Fish Lemonella - useful properties

Lemonella fish belongs to the cod family. This fish is on sale rarely, as it constantly migrates and is often an accidental catch.

Useful properties of lemonella

Limonella is easy to cut and cook. This is due to the fact that small bones in this fish are practically absent. Thanks to this feature, lemonella can be cooked in any form, as it itself has excellent taste qualities.

Useful properties of lemonella fish are in vitamins and minerals.

It has a vitamin PP, or in another way nicotinic acid. This vitamin helps to regulate the level of cholesterol, improve metabolic processes , improve brain blood flow, reduce blood clotting.

Vitamin E helps to form and protect cell membranes, is an excellent antioxidant. Vitamin E promotes more rational use of oxygen by cells.

B vitamins contribute to the assimilation of various nutrients that enter our body from food. These vitamins affect the metabolism reaction, take part in the formation of RNA and DNA, reduce the level of cholesterol in the blood, and also prevent the occurrence of anemia.

In the limonella, the following trace minerals are present: phosphorus, iron, magnesium, potassium, calcium, zinc, fluorine, cobalt, chromium, nickel and selenium.

This fish will fill the daily norm of iodine in the body, without harm to health, which can arise with the use of pharmaceuticals. No matter how prepared this fish is, most of the vitamins and trace elements remain in it.

The benefits and harms of lemonella depend on the individual characteristics of the organism. This fish is suitable for feeding children, pregnant women and the elderly. Quite often it is recommended to include it in the diet, as the calorie content of the lemonella fish is very low and amounts to only 79 calories per 100 g. This fish is considered to be hypoallergenic, but in the case of an existing allergy to fish products, it is worth refraining from eating and lemonella.

Lemonella caviar

Lemonella caviar is a very valuable food product, as it has a number of useful properties. 32% easily digestible protein, vitamins A, D and E, folic acid , phosphorus, iodine, calcium.

Salted and dried caviar lemonella is used as a preventive measure of atherosclerosis and to improve immunity. Such caviar strengthens bones and improves vision, and also reduces the risk of blood clots and normalizes blood circulation.