How easy is it to carry shoes?

Often when buying shoes, we do not pay attention to temporary inconveniences. There is no other model that is more free in the leg, and the model of shoes or boots that you like is so attractive that the future owner takes a risk, hoping to distribute his purchase over time. And it happens that the purchase is brought to us as a gift, the size seems to be right, but somewhere a little presses or rubs while wearing. This Cinderella is the smallest shoe in the pore, and a simple woman or a man seldom does a new thing initially cause discomfort. Therefore, the question of how to carry shoes that are squeezing is of interest to very many consumers. He became especially relevant now, when often people began to buy things on the Internet, not being able to try on the product live.

How quickly carry new shoes?

  1. An old and slightly painful way to carry leather shoes is to put on thick woolen socks and walk around the house or apartment for a couple of days trying to stretch the material.
  2. Pour a little water into the toe of the shoe, wet skin is easier to deform.
  3. Instead of water, use strong drinks - vodka, cologne or alcohol. If you are tormented with how to distribute suede shoes, then you should buy beer. In this case, there is a risk of the appearance of unpleasant spots on the front side of it, make the manipulation of the liquid neatly.
  4. On the outside and inside of the problem shoes, a face cream is applied, slightly softening the material, after which shoes or other items should be worn and slightly worn.
  5. There is a special stretch stretcher that helps stretch the skin - SALAMANDER PROFESSIONAL SHOE STRETCH, ERDAL SPRAY, SALTON, SILVER. It is sprayed inside the product, then you quickly put on your shoes and go into them until the thing dries.
  6. The original method, how to carry leather shoes, is to put inside a plastic bag filled with water. Then gently place the product in the refrigerator. When freezing, the water expands, and gradually by itself begins to stretch the skin.
  7. Inside the shoe pour boiling water and quickly poured back. There is not only wetting of the skin, but its strong heating. Shoes are put on and 20 minutes are worn until the product takes the desired shape.
  8. There is a "cowboy" method, which was actually used in the Wild West. Grain after wetting also swells - it is known to any mistress. Therefore, it can also be used for our business. Dry grain is poured into shoes, then ordinary water is poured into it, so much liquid is needed to cover it completely. Overnight it will increase in size and stretch the product throughout the volume. It is better not to dry your shoes, but still wet to put them on their feet and wear longer.

How to carry shoes from leatherette?

The thing is that in the market you can find completely different types of this material. If the leatherette is made with a tissue base, then it does not stretch. But when it has a different basis, then it's worth trying. This game is similar to roulette, and in many cases can not help. The essence of the method is to warm up the problem place by the stove or with a hair dryer, doing this very carefully. Dermatina is easy to burn, and you risk losing your new clothes altogether. To reduce the risk, wrap this place with a wet cloth, and the surface will be heated by hot steam. While the shoes or shoes are not cold, quickly put them on and walk a little. You may have to repeat the procedure repeatedly until you get the desired effect.

If all of the above ways, how to easily and quickly carry shoes, the result is not brought, it is better to take the shoes to a good master. There are simple devices that every shoemaker helps to increase the size of the product. Win a couple of millimeters is still possible, but if it is already about one or two sizes, then it's better not to take risks and ask an experienced expert.