Ginger to children

The root of ginger is an amazing gift of nature to people. It will help you and your family members to easily fight viruses, and even if you have already caught a cold, quickly and effectively remove unpleasant symptoms.

This is a practically universal natural medicine. The advantages of ginger include a low probability of allergy or intolerance and a wide range of actions. But because of the burning, quite acute taste, many parents doubt whether ginger can be given to children. In this article we will consider the main properties and methods of using this amazing tool.

Ginger: useful properties for children and adults

Diseases and symptoms in which ginger is applied:

This is not a complete list of problems that ginger successfully copes with. The root of ginger has a sweatshop, carminative, anti-inflammatory, analgesic, expectorant, immunostimulating, antiemetic. He feeds all the tissues and in antiquity was used even as an antidote. This is truly a universal medicine!

A recipe for tea with ginger for children



Before use, fresh ginger root must be prepared: cleaned and grinded (you can grate on a grater). Ground dried ginger is already ready for boiling. Pour it with boiling water and leave to infuse for 30-60 minutes. Sweeten and add the lemon.

Note that fresh ginger has a more pronounced flavor, and in the dried form it is more spicy. Three varieties of ginger - white, black and pink - are not grades, but processing options. Please also note that it is possible to freeze fresh ginger only if you do not intend to use it as a medicine. After freezing, it loses its healing properties, retaining only a characteristic taste and smell.

How to give ginger to children?

Now about how to give children ginger. First of all, remember that children under two years of age should not be given ginger - this is rather spicy, with a pronounced irritating effect. Older children can drink decoctions, teas with ginger, and also freely eat dishes flavored with fresh or dry ginger roots. Watch only that the decoction or tea is not too strong - the burning taste of ginger may not be pleasant to the child and for a long time to discourage the desire to eat this useful product. Ginger from children cough can be used not only in the form of tea, but also for inhalations - essential oils, which are rich in fresh root, help to remove swelling of the lungs and facilitate breathing, and help to separate sputum and restore the body (for example, after surgery).

From the root of ginger, you can prepare the following teas and decoctions for children:

  1. Citrus fruits + ginger . In a hot broth of ginger root, you can add a slice of lemon, orange, grapefruit or juice from them. For sweetening, you can use sugar, and even better - honey;
  2. Tea + ginger + spices . This is the most popular tea with ginger from colds for children. In freshly added tea prepared ginger, cloves, cardamom (to taste) and cook on low heat for 20 minutes. Filter, if desired, add honey and lemon. Such tea can be drunk both hot and chilled;
  3. Prunes + ginger + wine . This is a recipe for adults. It perfectly removes the symptoms of cold and flu, helps to cope with muscle and headache, fatigue and has a wonderful toning effect. Green tea is mixed with a glass of dry red wine, add ginger and prunes to taste and put on the smallest fire. The mixture should be agitated for 15-20 minutes, after which it is filtered and half diluted with boiling water.