How to learn to see the aura?

The question of how to learn to see the aura can not be taken into consideration by people who are not able to expect results for a long time. Very few people by nature have the ability to do this, most people have to make a long effort to develop such a skill.

Can you learn to see the aura?

It is believed that any individual can learn to see the aura of a person. There is an opinion that special services officers are specially trained in this skill so that they can accurately diagnose a person's condition, the truthfulness of his words.

There are many different techniques that can be tried and practiced before the result is obtained. If you are really interested in how to learn to see the aura of a person, you will certainly achieve your way through daily training.

How to learn to see the aura: exercise

In order to perform the exercise, you will need a large white sheet (approximately 60x100 cm). You will discover a phenomenon of human vision that does not belong to the aura, but helps to see it.

  1. Place the sheet under the lamp with the brightness control.
  2. In the center of the sheet is a piece of red paper.
  3. Look at the red sheet without blinking for half a minute.
  4. Remove the red leaf (quickly) and continue to look at the same place.
  5. If for a split second you saw a green color in the same shape, the exercise was successful.
  6. Conduct several such experiments with sheets of different colors, and you will learn to see the "after-image" of the color - light and soaring.
  7. Invite the partner, both put on white clothes, ask him to stand by the white wall.
  8. Light the partner with a lamp with maximum brightness.
  9. Give the partner a sheet of colored paper - it needs to be kept below the nose 2.5 cm from the face.
  10. Move back, fix the look on the sheet, and after 30 seconds, let the partner take it away.
  11. Everything went right, if you saw an additional color over the partner.
  12. Experiment with different colors of paper, and your mind will get used to distinguish hovering shades over people. Change the layout of the sheet around the partner's face.
  13. Remove the paper, just look at the partner, gradually reducing the brightness of the lamp - you need to do this very slowly.
  14. When a person almost disappears in the dark, and suddenly the colors appear, an aura shimmers with different tones will be seen.

Train regularly to get a real and lasting result. Doing an exercise often, you will learn to see the aura in any situation.