Constipation in a newborn with artificial feeding

Constipation in newborns with artificial feeding happens quite often. Although for some young mothers this becomes a real problem, in reality, with proper organization of the diet, it is not difficult to cope with constipation in a baby.

Why do constipation occur?

As the infant leaves the mother's womb with a digestive tract that is not yet fully formed, it is difficult for him to digest such complex foods as an adapted milk formula. The composition of such baby food includes a large number of fatty acids and artificial additives, which make digestion difficult and does not allow the tiny intestines to be emptied in a timely manner. In addition, the cause of constipation in this case may be a sharp transition to another type of mixture, frequent changes in various types of nutrition, insufficient intake of fluids into the body, and intestinal dysbiosis, which is faced by a large number of children before the first year of age.

Symptoms of constipation

Absence of emptying of the intestine for several hours does not always mean that the baby has constipation. This diagnosis is established only when defecation is completely absent for 2-4 days. In addition, in case of constipation, other symptoms should be observed, too - the baby starts to stiffen several times a day, straining and crying loudly, and his face at that time turns red. In this case, the tummy of the crumb becomes swollen and taut.

Treatment of constipation in a newborn with artificial feeding

To get rid of constipation in a newborn baby who is on artificial feeding, it is necessary to strictly observe the following recommendations:

  1. To receive food the kid should not earlier, than in 3 hours. However, under no circumstances should the dosage set by the doctor be exceeded.
  2. Starting at the age of two weeks, the baby should be regularly placed on the stomach. It is advisable to do this before each feeding and between them.
  3. Regularly do crumb massaged tummy in a circular motion.
  4. Between the feedings the infant must constantly give a liquid - ordinary water or special dill water.
  5. If necessary and at the doctor's prescription, give the child preparations to normalize the intestinal microflora, laxatives and other medicines.