How to make an enema babe?

Carrying out almost any procedure for a small child is a big difficulty for his parents. There is no exception and an enema , how to do that to a baby, few people know.

Types of enemas

In general, in medicine, it is customary to single out 2 varieties of enemas: purifying and medicinal. As is clear from the title, the first is used for various poisoning and intoxication, with the goal of removing harmful substances from the body. Often, a cleansing enema is performed with a delay in the stool, as well as in preparation for apparatus studies of the abdominal organs.

With the help of a drug enema, various drugs are usually administered, for example, with an inflammatory process localized in the rectum.

Who is doing it?

Enema can be placed at any age, including infants. So, very often it is put to children, fed by artificial mixtures: in this case, constipation is a common phenomenon. In addition, its use is shown with constant regurgitation, as well as when it is necessary to introduce bacteriophages into the body.

Than to do?

Many parents, faced with the necessity of setting an enema for their baby, do not know how to do it. To begin with, it is necessary to prepare the whole set, which will be needed for its implementation, namely:

The volume of the solution for enema infants (up to 3 months) is usually 20-30 ml. Therefore, for this procedure, a cylinder # 1 with a capacity of 30 ml is suitable. Starting from 4 months to 2 years to calculate the volume of the solution necessary for the enema, for each month of life add 10 ml. The amount of the medicinal enema for infants of the first year of life usually does not exceed 30 ml.

To carry out the cleansing enema, the infant is given a solution of sodium chloride, or, in his absence, boiled water. The temperature of the solution should be 27-30 degrees. For quick and gentle elimination of constipation, kids often use glycerin, which is added to water. As a rule, the effect of the enema with water can be expected for 5-10 minutes.

How to make an enema babe?

Before making an enema babe, you must prepare all of the above tools and solution. Then, the necessary volume of the prepared solution is collected in the cylinder, after which it is necessary to lubricate the tip itself with a small amount of vaseline oil. The kid, if he is not yet 6 months old, is laid on his back and raised his legs up. If the child is six months or more - it is laid on the left side and legs lead to the tummy.

Taking a balloon in the right hand, it is squeezed slightly, while removing air. The left hand dilates the glutes and simultaneously injects the tip into the baby's rectum. In this case, the depth of insertion should be 3-4 cm. In addition, there is also a feature of the introduction: first the tip is inserted towards the navel, and then already parallel to the coccyx. After the liquid is introduced into the rectum, the balloon is not releasable, removed. Then, for a few minutes, the toddler squeezes the buttocks.

After the baby empties, the mother spends the toilet, washing the baby as usual. If a drug enema was used, it is better that the child is in the horizontal position for at least an hour.

Thus, it appears that an enema for an infant can be made at home. Before carrying out this procedure, it is better to consult a doctor and not to resort to its appointment yourself. Also, do not spend it often, to avoid irritation of the anus.