Planting carrots in spring in the open ground - how to get a good harvest?

In the independent cultivation of carrots, there is nothing complicated. Vegetable is unpretentious and hardy, because it is grown almost all gardeners. If you are armed with full knowledge of how to make a correct planting of carrots in spring in the open ground, by autumn you can surely expect an excellent crop of this root.

How to prepare carrots for planting?

Many do not carry out with the carrot seeds any preparatory work - they simply sow them in the ground. However, if you give them a little attention, the planting of carrots in spring in the open ground will have much more success. To accelerate the process of germination of seeds and increase the percentage of their germination, it is recommended to soak them for a couple of hours in water at room temperature, then sprinkle evenly on the surface of a damp cloth and cover, periodically wetting it when it dries.

In this form, the seeds must be kept until they begin to peck. Further, when all the seeds are well swollen, you can harden them by placing them in the refrigerator for 10 days. After such activities, the seeds are completely ready for planting in the open ground. Alternatively, you can simply soak them for 3-4 days in a container of water or a solution of the growth accelerator, and then dry it on the gauze. You decide for yourself whether you need to soak carrots before planting, but definitely that after the sprouts will be more rapid and friendly.

How to plant carrots in the open ground?

If you want to know how to plant carrots to quickly ascended, then you need to know a couple of rules. It is necessary to prepare the seeds and not forget about the preparation of the land directly, where they will be sown. Carrots grow poorly in heavy loamy soil, it needs a light primer. In no case need to fertilize it with manure - carrots will grow weak and stored will be extremely bad. It is better to add some sand to the bed and loosen it up. You can additionally sprinkle it with ashes and dig a groove, depth of 2.5 s in depth with distances between rows of about 20 cm.

How to plant carrots with seeds?

So, the garden is ready for carrots, seeds too. We went directly to the question of how to plant carrots in the open ground with seeds. So that they do not pile up in one place, but are distributed more or less evenly, experienced gardeners mix them with sand. Another option - you can paste the seeds on a roll of toilet paper at the right distance and prikopat such tapes in the prepared grooves.

At what distance should you plant carrots?

The optimal distance for normal root development is 5 cm. Often, planting our carrots in spring in the open ground is much thicker, and we have to thin the beds with sprouting sprouts a couple of times in order to provide carrots with comfortable growth conditions. There are several ways how to plant carrots, so as not to thin out:

  1. The first is the use of bands of toilet paper, as described above.
  2. The second way is to use the jelly from the potato starch, into which the seeds are placed and through the nozzle of the kettle pour out into the prepared groove.
  3. The third option is mixing seeds with a lot of sand and evenly applying the mixture into wide furrows.
  4. The fourth is the piece-laying of the draped seeds into furrows. To facilitate the task, you can use improvised tools. For example, use a tray of eggs to mark the holes for planting each seed of carrots.

Adaptation for planting carrots

To plant a carrot brought real pleasure, you can use one of the useful devices: