How to treat vulvitis in girls?

Vulvit is an inflammation of the mucous membrane of the external genital organs of a woman - the outer labia and the clitoris. But not only adults can have such a disease, this phenomenon occurs in infants. Vulvit can appear as a result of the following factors:

How is vulvitis treated in children?

Treatment of vulvitis in girls begins, first of all, with a visit to a children's gynecologist. The doctor examines the labia, determines the presence or absence of a foreign body in the child's genitals, takes swabs, sowing pathogenic flora, and also prescribes tests for hidden infections.

If after the examination and the results of all necessary tests are confirmed, the diagnosis of acute vulvitis in girls is confirmed, the treatment is carried out by the following methods:

Untimely treatment of a childish vulvitis of acute form can lead to the fact that the disease becomes chronic and then the treatment becomes more complicated and time-consuming. Prolonged vulvitis in a child can lead to the fusion of the external labia, the formation of genital warts and polyps, the appearance of cicatricial changes in the vagina.

Ointment - the best treatment for vulvitis in girls

With vulvitis, girls are treated with ointment, which is applied to neatly washed and dried genitals. Today, there are many such drugs, but for children it is necessary to buy a special children's ointment from vulvitis, which is not harmful to babies. But prolonged use of the ointment is not recommended and, if the disease does not disappear within a month, then it is worthwhile to see a doctor for examination, as a result of which the specialist will prescribe another treatment.

But it is IMPORTANT to remember, before using any drug it is necessary to show the child to the doctor, as self-medication can be fraught with serious consequences.